1. I'm tired so for now go check out my class blog.
    That's a little lamb, but I'm tired.
    But first......

    A Poem For A Daughter Going To First Grade.....Tomorrow
    (by request, my pleasure)

    How Beautiful You Are

    "Seems to Me We'll Stop to See How Beautiful You Are"

    Tonight, sleep tight, tomorrow comes
    So easily for you.
    You'll go to school to learn the rule
    That you are, oh, so bright....

    Little light, Little light
    Shining here for all to see.
    School is just a place to find
    Your garden or your sea.

    As you go, your Dad will know
    How quickly you have grown,
    He can see the mystery
    That shines from in your mind.

    Momma knows her darling goes
    Out to the world to learn.
    She sees your face, a peaceful place
    She'll wait for you at home.

    Don't be shy, it's time to try
    To find your way to friends
    Your teacher knows that she's supposed
    To see your inner beams.

    Go to school and learn the rules
    Never to forget....
    That you're the one, the lovely one
    How beautiful you are.

    "How Beautiful You Are"


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  2. As I wait for a lunar eclipse, here was my view going to work this 6:50 AM in Southern CA

    Artist: Al Jarreau
    Song: Mornin'
    Album: Best Of Al Jarreau

    Mornin' Mister Radio ..... Mornin' little cheerios
    Mornin' sister Oriole ..... did I tell you everything is fine in my mind?

    Mornin' Mister shoe-shine man ..... shine'em bright in white and tan,
    Baby said she loves me and ..... need I tell you that everything here is just fine
    in my mind.

    Chorus: 'Scuse me if I sing ..... my heart has found it's wings,
    Searchin' high and low and now at last I know.

    Mornin' Mister Golden Gate ..... I should walk but I can't wait,
    I can't wait to set it straight ..... I was shakin' but now I am makin' it fine
    here in my mind.

    Bridge: My heart will soar with love that's rare and real,
    My smiling face will feel every cloud.
    And higher still beyond the blue until,
    I know I can ... like any man ... reach out my hand ...
    and touch the face of God.


    Chorus: 'Scuse me if I sing ..... my heart has found it's wings,
    Searchin' high and low and now at last I know.

    Mornin' Mister Radio ..... Mornin' little cheerios,
    Mornin' sister Oriole ..... did I tell you everything is fine in my mind.

    Ending: Won't you get up, Oriole,
    Won't you get up, Cheerio,
    Wake up, Mister Radio,
    (Scat and fade)

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  3. I am writing poems

    a day in the life of charles dickens

    well at least there will be boiled beef
    and mashed potatoes for dinner

    and a canopy
    with good down comforting

    and then the morning constitution
    and the ferriwethers are over

    to sample henri's best
    blackberry jams and

    then to the thoughts
    Of the others in the gutters

    Need and her sisters
    That pull at the edges of consciousness

    For a scrap at the table
    I'll raise my pen to draw them out.

    A Day In the Life of a 4th Grade Project

    Sticky icky melted hotglue holds the fushia straw flowers
    Around the sugar cube portico
    Adobe mache blocks stuck onto the styrofoam
    Painted smell of model paints, stolen from unfinished projects
    Here is the school child vision of the "mission".

    From days of St. Carmel, San Juan of Bautista, from San Diego,
    the footsteps of a Father made his way up the coast.
    The due date draws near as sweat drives toothpicks
    Into the foam core, built from the garage.
    A replica of a system and settling in California past.

    4th grade project you must build a mission.
    To look into the graveyards of the Native workers
    Meeting the ends of their times in
    Olive trees and courtyards, life vines plastered now in the effigy.
    Pieces of sunflower seeds standing in for the swallows of Capistrano.

    As the due date quickly approaches.

    A Day In the Life of an Art Teacher

    Looking into the glass of Chagall
    A firebird rose and flew
    Through the minds that design now
    In tissue and wax

    Glimpse the vulnerable hopes
    In the room of nervous glances
    As meanings and misses
    Are constructed here on your tables

    Lifting into images the light streaming
    That filters you illuminating a few
    Marks made by your project interpreters
    The lessons look o catch a ride inside all time.

    Crafting their looking glass todayf rom waxed tissue and your joyful tears.

    A Day In the Life of an Elementary Teacher

    A smile lit up my day today going home
    As Ashley looked happily to see her new teacher name written up
    On the school wall, the new year starting

    Cortez, she says blinking at me
    I would have lost the bet she couldn't read it
    Her summer was good, she says smiling at her second surprise.

    I'm her old teacher dragging finally home
    After labeling, sorting, cleaning, counting,
    Decorating and finding no limits in listing the "to do's'

    Ashley smiling and holding the baby that came last year
    When I thought she meant she got a new doll.
    The day she told everyone in sharing her dog brought a baby home.

    Another smile day,
    "It" does cry and eat, just like she said that day
    When I said tell us what "it" does.....And her name is Crystal

    She walked over today, the living doll, sharing a hard little push.

    The Fall, A Day in the Life

    In the perfection before the Apple
    Everyone ran around naked
    And spoke to the animals
    About the flowers and the bees.
    Things were pretty sweet

    Then the Apple got bitten
    By a couple seeking knowing
    So now you are sitting here naked
    And embarrassed really
    You can't get a thing the apes are saying.

    Now you know the garden was precious
    Life was always gift and blessing
    Reach out your hand then
    And touch the face of your God.
    Like any man, now at last you know.

    A Day in the Life Meaning

    You bring to every moment
    All that you were
    All that you are
    A day is

    A Day In the Life of Golf

    I know a man that can't recall his wedding day
    But knows every green he ever approached.
    Every rough ever navigated.
    Every club has a story, and every story has an eagle.

    I know a man that once played a nine holed course
    Four times on a stormy afternoon
    But somehow forgot his 20th Anniversary.
    Making his foursome, but opting to walk over a cart.

    I know a man that chases around a small white ball
    Seeking a handicap that everyone can envy.
    Parring is such sweet, sweet sorrow
    A true hole in one, this happy golfing man.

    A Day In the Life of a Multi Millionaire

    More to come...oh no...


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  4. Hi.........

    I'm building my classblog.
    At WordPress.

    I'll keep this blog to be "me" and comment on all the things and tangents. But "there" will be news for my kids. I need to link it here.

    I want to have a space for the kids to go out to sites and to write. It'll be hard as they will probably have to use my teacher station. But in a week or so this will look like something.

    Boy there is soooooo much to know.You can build great things.

    I had a site, two at MyTeacherPages but paying the fees ...well...not so great.

    So crossfingers this all comes together, gotta go work.

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  5. Below is a piece I want to offer with a few years on it.
    It probably is closest accounting of my relationship to a dear teacher friend, teacher for consideration as school years are starting. She just taught for my husband's District in Mesa a class in their teacher in servicing. Corine Reeber is an instructor of T'ai Chi Chih. She is also a retired many year teacher of kindergarten. When I wrote this about her I really did not know that she had a life also teaching T'ai Chi Chih. I intuited it actually.
    That's funny. I centered and found that river anyway.
    One of her core strands is chi.
    She honors this in all she does and her presentation to his staff was the breath of life.

    Some days are harder and I found her tonight meditating in my troubled thoughts.
    As a reminder of the beauty of life.
    She retired last year and I miss her presence in her room at Bard School. I gave her Susan Ohanian's book on Kindergarten...It meant quite a bit to her, like myself for a bit she thought she was losing her mind over the foolishness of this testing Standardization. I recommend Susan's book to the world and it will help you if you are teaching.
    What Happened to Recess and Why Are Our Children Struggling in Kindergarten?

    This presentation on chi coincided with my husband getting his staff a book I recommended to him to allow for a year where reflection and journaling and stepping back becomes a part of the daily meditation on our practice. It has to be a strand teachers take up and weave into the tapestry of their teaching life.

    Teaching in Mind: How Teacher Thinking Shapes Education

    Teaching in Mind: How Teacher Thinking Shapes Education (Paperback)
    by Judith Lloyd Yero

    This book is excellent to start a year. Please consider this to start your year. It asks you to examine your teaching praxis, your values, assumptions, what are the "secret" things you pass along to the students. What are we doing in our work. It starts by asking us to examine our metaphors. To make them, hold them, consider them. To reach understandings about who we are and who we want to be.
    It is a very personal book. A very positive experience, quite good. Excellent.
    He ordered it for the staff and had them design a rock. I did a rock painting summer project. A thing, a making, a creation/transformation project, an experiential metaphor.
    I asked him to do this. To compose a year, compose first within your heat.
    A rock to represent the metaphor they use in their working relationship to teaching. You will sit like a rock in the heart of every child, an anchor, a reality. It matters to make this a real thought. A rock. Teaching as the flow, the chi through the earth rock...that was my connection.
    His in-services meaningful.

    What is your metaphor? I wish I could meme this and see it spread and ler this of all the teachers blogging.
    I'd like to see this taken up in our "talk'. Let us share this one to another on this grapevine of meaning we make here. Yes?

    One teacher today said she sees it as a "verb" an action..good... Another designed the rock as a sky, as in the thought that it changes constantly and reflects light and possibility, carries the pleasure of life to us.
    Ah teaching as sky, beautiful. I can understand this....
    A garden seed the earth, grow me this child I see this....
    An ocean of life and water giving life force..I see this...

    I find these kinds of thoughts quite important to try to reach out. Are you there will you try this with me to start this year together?
    What is your metaphor? What speaks to you? If looking at this appeals to you the book by Yero will be one to add to your work.

    Below is the piece on my dear friend. On the metaphor she drew for me as a parent of a child in her room.

    But she, my friends really is living the construct of chi. Everyday.

    Random Acts of Love

    There is a beautiful Al Jarreau song on his All I Got album. It goes in part, “ There is just one thing I know, that is a gift to the giver, one thing I know, let it flow like a river, just one thing I know, that’s a gift to the giver, one thing I know, that’s a Random Act of Love…” it is a beautiful piece of melody and it flows into the hearts and minds of teachers.

    So much that we do, we do from a love for children, a respect for the heart and mind of their person, we take a little act each day and hope it flows into the river of their life helping to shape the mind, the person, the character of a child.

    It isn’t going to rate in an API, it isn’t going to be describable in an accountability index perhaps, just as we don’t see the droplets that form the mighty river. It flows. It pours from the heart of the teacher to the greater good of us all. I know someone that works that dedicates each moment of her life to acts of love, often random that flow like a river. And she is inspirational to me as a person and as a mother, and as someone that seeks to create a climate whereby we teachers talk about what we do with kindness and concern for one another and with focus so that others might understand.

    She has given her life to her teaching job and it has become her symphony, a melody, a tune that lights the darkness with the beauty of her love for those she teaches. And to those great moments I must also direct my thought in writing about Hueneme. For as I worked in the hood I went over to a neighbor school and saw a master at her craft.

    Once, so long and so short in time ago, I was a parent sitting in a tiny chair at a low Kinder sized table listening attentively at Parent Night to a talk by my son’s first teacher.
    One of my now dearest friends.

    My husband who was Principal there had an idea that teachers could talk about the Standards and the curriculum, the texts and the homework on this night and thus give “presentations” to the parents.
    So I was focused on another Daddy who was sitting near me for the second show, and on a momma that looked the age of my daughter, and on a little lady who talked of a snowball.
    She held forth her hands, rolling them up in an imaginary ball and spoke of my child as a snowball that comes to school and gently rolls down the little hill and more snow is added and more learning is added until a little snowman emerges. Her metaphor. Now ours.

    In my mind, which is given to wandering and thinking, I saw the book I read so long ago about the little boy out in snow, all suited up in his snowsuit. Peter. I thought of my little son just going forth into a world bigger than our own, I thought of the movie he fell to sleep to each night ironically called “The Snowman”.

    I gently steered this teacher, Mrs. Reeber, to whom we had brought my greatest treasure, to talking about my own little snowman. After all in Parent Night all parents know you must corner the teacher and wait to hear them tell you what is the miracle, the seed of light they see within your child. Every parent knows this. Parent Night is by definition the night to see if another being, this teacher, sees the divinity you know rests within your child.
    What is special about my child, do you see it too?

    And your breath is held that first time around, as you start the kindergarten year with your child.

    For this is the start of your contact with the “ school world”.
    Can they see the light that beams when you look into the eyes of your baby?

    For you know if they cannot see it, it may well be extinguished, the little snowball might well not start to grow and develop and become so much more.

    Then Mrs. Reeber knowing my heart and thoughts, looked up with the joy and love in her eyes of someone who sees miracles and makes snowmen of little boys and said, “Oh Sarah, Luca is so serious in his work, he gets right to business, he is such a good worker and he builds so nicely with Kyle in the blocks and is such a joy.” And it was the sparkle in the eyes.

    I watched through many days getting my son at Kindergarten where she worked late to allow me and others to come late, seeing her at work with others, watching her with the children she always remembers and talks about and the sparkle shines forth. Mrs. Reeber created a metaphor of snow to talk about her class; I do not soon forget that.

    In an age of accountability, scores, data and tables, with her working for someone(my husband) that loves all things chartable, she built a snowman in my mind. I was so tickled with that. So relieved. She can still see a snowball rolling down the hill of learning. There is just one thing I know…..let it flow like a river, just one thing I know that’s a gift to the giver, just one thing I know…it is called a Random Act of Love….. and it lies in Teaching.

    Mrs. Reeber does the teacher things, she organizes, saves, recycles, plans, creates, dittos, staples, cuts, pastes, prints, crafts, reads, writes, designs, builds, buys, finds, helps, thinks, shapes, suggests, hauls, tries, defends, describes, and generally does every teacher task to levels that qualify her for mastery. She can also find songs that I heard in my kinder days about dragons and loafs of bread and Sammie that even I lost in memory as the years flowed by in my river of learning. She can fish out something you need and find clips, stickers, bows and markers, crayon pencils and fruit loops with the best of them. She creates a program that is exemplary, designed to allow children as they start school to listen, to look, to paint, to feel, to think and create. She can put them in rubber boots to create a book about snow, take photos of their days and present each parent with a Memory Album they themselves might never create because in the moment they don’t realize the fleeting nature of days.

    But Mrs. Reeber knows.

    She knows where time is flowing and she knows the little snowflake, this stage of their childhood, is quickly melting. She captures the beauty. It becomes a gift to a parent that she presents to the family and simply gives you their time and days recorded in their painting, writing, their life that went by in just a blink of your eye.

    One day I stood at a doorway and got my son’s kindergarten kiss of goodbye so big and so warm and Mrs. Reeber came up to me and said, “Now Sarah, cherish that because next year as Luca is becoming a big first grader that will fade.”

    And I in the land of “Taken for Granted” where so many of us live, listened. I listened to this teacher of mine, me a first grade teacher who needed a lesson, and I held on to my hugs and kisses and hand held walks to the room that Mrs. Reeber had so warm and toasty ready everyday. And those days faded and he did go on to watch for friends looking sideways through his eyes and he did go on to pull that little hand over to himself. Time was fleeting.

    Mrs. Reeber strives each day to bring to Kindergarten time the feeling that it is the most special, the most wondrous, and the most precious of gifts. Each day in her room is adventure and learning, is accomplishing and finding pride in one’s actions. Each day the sun glows, the earth rotates, the acts of love take the form of the most wondrous gifts of all, “You can do it”, and “You are special”. Each child is developing and each child is blossoming into the being that they can be. I had to smile as my son started to bring home his box of books so beautifully made and crafted full of the books, stories, poems and read them to me sitting up in his chair full of pride. I knew as a teacher I was seeing “phonemic awareness” and the first roots of reading, seeing readiness be evolved. But I knew as a mother I was watching a master teacher at work. I was seeing the actions of a teacher who loves her work, loves her students and has made her life in dedication to them becoming successful.

    Not One Child Left Behind has become an “Act” by Corine Reeber. I saw something called the Act of Love. This could never come from legislation, and it isn’t bought and sold. It lies in another realm altogether. And it cannot be legislated to a teacher, it is just demonstrated by their actions. It is without a doubt the river that flows in many teachers in Hueneme, it is without a doubt restorative to any teacher. We must see their good works. We must know we are part of this river that flows in their heart. There is one thing I know…..Education must be driven by those who have this kind of spirit, dedication, commitment….It’s the gift to the giver.

    Mrs. Reeber deserves an accounting to you of all she has done over the years, committees, chores, services, awards. And I cannot begin to account for those. I know they are there in abundance. I was affected by her in my teaching, she allowed me to share with her stories of things I felt sad about, needs I felt I was wanting in affecting in children, difficult moments. Each and every time she recharged my battery, focused me back on the task with a new frame of mind. She allowed me to drift as I often do, to talk, to talk too much, to try and find a way to voice my concern with political changes in the air in the country in regards to education.

    And then she might look to the little Kinder bikes and tell me about a child that had loved those bikes, a little boy I love so much, she might take my arm and go in to remind me I could quit wasting paper or how to run something in a two-sided way. Corine Reeber was teaching me always. I knew that and she knew that. And it was good to be so loved that someone cared enough to try and save you from yourself and spend time with you to bring to your praxis of the art of teaching something better, something more thoughtful. I never met anyone more respecting of her District, of the importance of trying to use things in reasonable way, someone who knew I should not pack thirty snacks in my son’s lunch each day and tried almost weekly to remind me of that. She was trying to teach me to remain in balance. One of the joys of the teachers I knew in Hueneme (that I see retiring and just cry) is that they are in balance. They flow like a river. ….chi lived is Corine. Chi lived.

    I love Mrs. Reeber, she gave me my son loving and learning to read, sing, build, think, write, a “school-boy” that could do anything. She gave me help in my work, encouragement in my illness, inspiration in my teaching and I watched her help so many people in her days, people that needed that kindness. She told me many times, “Now just be quiet.” She knew my tendency towards wanting to verbalize. But I saw Corine act. And I saw her act in the best educational interest of children over and over again. I saw her know when and how to be effective and to know what she could do. I saw her have her husband so ill and pull him through with the gift of care that she possesses, watched as she lost Marvin Reeber. I listened as she told me of her times she faced illness, of the proud accomplishments of her own children who are outstanding in this world, I knew a teacher was giving me mid-career some sense of where the river flows. It was such an act of kindness.

    There is no way a community can honor those efforts. No way I can honor that service. I know parents of children that brought their kids back to their old teacher. I know she is the maker of snowmen; she stands surveying her work, hands on hips from afar letting it shine forth on a frosty winter morn. She has acted.
    And looking, the work is very fine indeed.

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  6. Our best tie dye shirt....starman

    If you read my blog....ha ha ha ha ah ha ...you might recall a story of Rebecca.
    When young she liked to kick my 1stgrade book bag and I had to figure out "a way" with her.
    As a first grade teacher I have to tell you about my book bag.... It was blue and had a mouse on it. Mom never quite figured out back packs or these things from then on...but I still have that bag in my things. Somewhere.

    Today via Fed Express came the coolest thing. I ordered grocery bags, cloth totes, so that I could STOP with the plastic. And they came. I got extra I thought to send off with my daughter to college, to here and there because they cost 9 dollars for 6 which is soooo cheap..link here to buy them. I encourage you to do this.....
    Suddenly.....the girls and I saw we could paint and dye these with our tie dyeing. we aren't getting the greatest art but it's fun and I'll label them with Puff paints or markers to put The Take It Home Book Bags for our trips over to the library. Mid year the kids can make another themselves. This will start us off right.

    Very fun today designing.

    Tonight I'm bread baking....yumm....banana and pumpkin.
    These last days are so precious before school starts.

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  7. So...........I'm working with the kids to make a better color in our
    dyeing days of summer.....
    Trying to perfect tie dye is......................like
    riding a bicycle backwards in a pink tutu with a hippo balancing on your nose...
    Some photo's of this very moment....

    Thinking these are better???/

    A shirt as shrimp in progress....

    The kind of shirt that looks like it'll be perfect for my Little Rays of Sunshine,
    Here Comes The Sun my class theme this coming year...

    Our shirt trials

    Luca again showing he can easily out do us.

    This is called "Horizon", Luca made

    One of my class Sunshines...

    The washing in a pan lid process.....

    Sylvia with the "Two Fried Eggs" shirt.
    She says it off sets her figure..

    Syl's famou


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  8. Today we started a project...........
    to tie dye a shirt for 40 kids ..........
    to start our new year...................
    and so far.............here are 12.

    They are too light. And it's exhausting believe it or not undoing all the rubber bands.


    1) Leave longer in the dye.

    2) Get the better dye over at the craft store.

    3) Get a few tiny shirts as these are kind of big......

    4) Go over to school and turn on the entire aquarium.

    5) Quit Leadership. The retreat starts tomorrow. I think I'm going to quit so I can do some projects tomorrow.

    So let's pretend after all of that babble you have never stopped by this blog before. Welcome. I'm a 1st grade teacher that is actively involved in reviving myself this summer and refocusing my energies on teaching. After 24 or 25 years at this getting ready for the new year is on my mind. My classroom is torn up with them cleaning the carpets so I cannot do the work necessary to start school...so I've been going to my classroom in a hood school preparing and cycling a new tropical aquarium, tie dying a set of shirts for the kids, labeling and preparing the room so that on the first day things are interesting and that it's organized and ready...it's all you really can do because you don't know. Just today a friend of mine observed as she watched me launch the aquarium..that she's just practically worried about getting the tables back in place. Mario the janitor, another friend, said the Superintendent and big wigs were in my room impressed in the AM discussing if i need to remove stuff I hooked up to the ceiling but he says it is fine...I think my Super supportive. My room is unique. The artist's space.

    Feng Sway.

    So what I'm going to do here is make a few suggestions.
    There is a great site called KinderArt.
    I find lessons there all the time and adapt them to first grade. Any parent or teacher if you haven't gone to it would like it. I found a good tie-dye page there today.
    I'm pasting it in but the site is well worth time spent there.

    KinderArt® Lesson/Activity


    Subject: Painting and Textiles
    Grade: K+
    Age: 4+

    Submitted by: Submitted by: Amanda Formaro, WebMom at FamilyCorner.com Magazine.


    Watch your child's (or student's) face light up when you remove that first rubber band from your tie dyed t-shirt. It is truly amazing the designs that one can create with so few tools. Try these super easy tie dyes for kids and see what ours were raving about!

    For the purposes of simplicity, we chose to use one color per garment, rather than multiple colors that are so often seen. You can also use colored garments and use a contrasting dye color to achieve the same results.

    What You Need:

    • various colors of fabric dye (available in the housewares department)
    • rubber bands
    • rubber gloves
    • marbles
    • tap water
    • garments such as t-shirts, cotton shorts, old jeans, etc.

    What You Do:

    Begin by rubberbanding your garment according to the design you wish to achieve. See the pictures below followed by the method in which to reach that result.

    sunburst pattern

    lines pattern

    circle pattern

    sunburst pattern
    marble and several rubber bands

    lines pattern
    rubber bands only

    circle pattern
    marble and one rubber band

    Prepare dye according to package directions. Be sure to wear rubber gloves to protect your hands! Dye can be just as damaging as bleach to your unprotected skin. Please take the proper safety precautions recommended.

    Once your garment is ready, place in the dye for at least 15-20 minutes. The longer the garment remains in the dye, the darker and deeper the color will become. Remove from the dye and rinse according to package directions, usually in cold running water. Ring out garment until water runs clear.

    Carefully remove rubber bands and marbles to reveal your new design! No design will be the same as another and different effects can be reached by combining the different methods mentioned above. See below for our results and be sure to have a good time!

    >>I used Rit dye, but I used the powdered kind. You mix the powder with cold tap water. The shirts only stayed in for 15 minutes at the longest. The pictures were taken when the shirts were still wet, so that may show them a bit richer in color. But they still came out nice, even after drying in the clothes dryer.<<

    sunburst yellow shorts

    sunburst yellow shorts

    sunburst yellow shorts

    Another really good site for art lessons, or to just go for art ideas is, amazingly, Crayola's. Well worth time there. So this is the link to their lesson plans.

    But let's say you are SERIOUS about Tie dye.
    Here are some links for you.....

    This site is great. I didn't do anything they said and my colors were lousy...so tomorrow I'll do some of the suggestions and see if I can brighten this color. With about 60 shirts to go...it'll be important to figure out why the color is too light. In the craft store there wasn't the dye recommended here...but there was something I'm going to try......here's where to get the best dyes.

    Wikipedia has EVERYTHING, somehow, but the pages on Tie Dye helped us. I was aiming to make a spiral, did. The kids were trying for hearts, Syl for various patterns from String theory to something that was beyond me...and here on Wiki was some info to make this.

    Here was a wiki on tie dye. Pretty cool again showing me tomorrow I'm going to TRY A FEW THINGS.

    Here is a really good lesson plan from Kid At Art. I do find good plans there...sometimes.

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  9. Kids are funny.
    They painted here a school of fish.
    Know why?

    They all copied the one I put up, that a child made 8 years ago. I forgot to pop it down. Opps.
    Kids now follow that model even if you say, "Do it your way."
    And so....I guess my long ago Desiree would laugh.
    She'd say "I didn't even like that one" which is how I got it...
    I put it up for them because we kind of move along in summer so the painting center went up day 2.
    Sample just to say, paint inside the shape after you trace it.
    We turned them eventually into stuffed fish.

    But I got a little tickle out of the imitation.


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  10. I’ve been tagged by Eve on the 8 random facts meme:

    First, the Rules:
    1) Post these rules before you give your facts
    2) List 8 random facts about yourself
    3) At the end of your post, choose (tag) 8 people and list their names, linking to them
    4) Leave a comment on their blog, letting them know they’ve been tagged

    Many know I cannot tag too well and am not sure how to leave a comment on this on blogs...but here goes....how does one randomize this.....it seems hard to do that.

    1) I stink at following "the rules". That's a personal defining "issue."

    see (Another Brick In The Wall)

    2) Every clock or watch I have either breaks or does not keep time.

    see (Does Anybody Really know what Time It Is?)

    3)Facts and perceptions walk a thin line for me.

    see (Send in The Clowns)

    4) I dog ear pages.

    see (Book of life)

    5) My current favorite word is "this".

    see (Days Like This)

    6) Hotel fridges full of snacks give me a thrill, to my bones.

    see (Hotel California urban legend in my neighborhood)

    7) I don't wear make up and like the idea of French perfume

    see (Something So Right)

    8) I've cared for and adopted 28 cats in my life(counting kitten batches), 4 ducks, 2 turtles, 25 or so fish, goats, several sheep, 3 hampsters, 2 parakeets, a rabbit, sea monkeys, 2 lovebirds, 1 parrot,
    2 turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree......

    see (Random Act of Love)

    and for "ATE" Random Facts:

    1)Mashed potatoes are the best, gravy good, a butter fest
    2) Mom endlessly makes pie of every kind , love the custard rum, no rind , berry ones to her sublime, but my favorites include key lime
    3)Chili is a special thrill, heat it up and pay the bill
    4) Creme sauce, cheese sauce, Benedict egg sauce can I ever stop the nod that plops this down on my facade, but I tell you eating creme ever my late night dream
    5) Turkey and dressing extra nice, sage such a lovely spice.
    6) I love stew, soup, salad, chowder, albondigas , fried fish, fresh fish, spagetti carbonara, makes me stop to think some more of mignon, brisket, salami, roast and ...oh my...chili verde, and fully loaded pizza pie. All are something I should miss but unfortunately have defined my bliss.
    7) Sure baked potatoes know my name
    8) and ham and bacon are my shame.

    This is what sprang to mind when on thinking it ATE up my Mind.....

    Thank you for asking Eve, so I'll ask people but my thoughts are they will :
    1) Ignore me
    2) Politely decline
    3) Reveal they already did this one so of course that 'Reveals' I'm not reading them carefully or consistently and THAT's embarrassing
    4) Run,
    5) Say they can't
    6) Say they won't
    7) Talk about sports, running, laps, yardage.........measurable things
    8) Or just play along..maybe?

    Thanks again Eve, stop in and tell me about yourself...I will try to read your blog.
    At least out of teaching for a week or so...then to be "trained"...a little giddy with a day or two not working.
    Tagging then.....no promises they'll see this...
    So Doug,
    Mr. Wasserman traveling this world making a difference,
    my very favorite doer of things that count...really count...Mark A,
    Philip Kovacs (you'll find this when you search Philip Kovacs, and hi to you Philip by the way),

    Miss Prof ( who probably did this years ago she is so cooly social and I'm sooooooooo bad at it),
    Paul ,I don't forget you, Paul even if you don't put me on your blogroll and I know you are a poet at HEART........I DID NOT MISS AERA COMING OUT ANTI NCLB PAUL, good work they(The NCLB science like this-ers) have no connection really to the fine research you represent...really................

    so how about Margaret Spellings, sure I care..........
    Barack Obama,
    Rosalia my student who doesn't have a blog but if you put this in comments I'll post it here Rosi),
    Peter Sacks,
    Josh Waitzkins,
    Michael Salcman.......a wonderful poet
    .Susan Ohanian,
    Brian Crosby....there are more but linking these will take about an hour of pain if I can at all do tis link thing..... Should ANYONE see this and do it tell me somehow.
    You know I'm learning this and my chances of meme success without help are....low, null set, nill, nada.
    Tell me if you see it.
    At least eight things...randomly...about you...

    Love, Sarah


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I'm a public school elementary teacher from W.V. beginning my career in poverty schools in the 1980's. (I have GIST cancer-small intestinal and syringomyelia which isn't what I want to define me but does help define how I view the meaning of my life.) I am a mom of 3 great children-now grown. I teach 3rd grade in an Underperforming school, teaching mostly immigrant 2nd Lang. children. I majored in art, as well as teaching. Art informs all I do. Teaching is a driving part of my life energy. But I am turning to art soon. I'm married to an artist I coaxed into teaching- now a Superintendent of one of the bigger Districts in the area. Similar population. We both have dedicated inordinate amounts of our life to the field of teaching in areas of poverty hoping to give students opportunities to make better lives. I'm trying to write as I can to the issues of PUBLIC education , trying to gain the sophistication to address the issues in written forms so they can be understood from my teaching contexts.I like to blog from daily experiences. My work is my own, not reflective of any school district.
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