I found this on the net today.

By John Antonik
I'm linking over to
the article. I think maybe perhaps I went to school with the writer. This I lifted to sink here, it's so nostalgic for me.
He's writing about the coach that was
my life you know. I've known Gale Catlett and his family just all my life. I want to think about him here a minute. In lieu of a hug. This article above does a pretty fair job of telling you that Gale
saved a few lives. Turned a few of us into much better people. I like that. It hits home. He made me who I am, when I am worth two beans.
When I was a little girl, really little, we rented a house in Morgantown , West Virginia in a neighborhood called
South Park. Lots of old Victorians. We rented the greatest house I wish I owned it. My Dad was a prof. at the University. It was pretty cool because we rented from Freda Vandervort whose husband had owned the Sanitary Dairy in the town, and he was on the Board of the bank, owned a farm, and was Hu, my friend. Mom knew Freda from bridge. I think this was why they figured it out.
The house sat next door to Freda. So I kind of got to be a part of Freda's family life. Years later she took me to my high school graduation, Dad was out of town. She was the one that celebrated with me. Her daughter Anise, a twin, was so good to me. She was married to Gale, pretty, just married then. As we got to know one another I had something children
maybe today miss. There was such feeling warm West Virginia good community in my town. Community. It matters to my life.
The Catlett's taught me to swim. They took me all kinds of places. I knew Freda's home better or as well as my own. Freda's azaleas, which were so rare and beautiful, her Lily of the Valley, her backyard garden, was/is as important to me as the air. What can I say, this family was wonderful to me? When Gale had his two daughters they were/are something more precious to me than anyone.
I adore them both. Got to take care of them.
One is
expecting ( had a little girl!) and I've been a bit busy teaching so perhaps I'm sensing that it could be "anytime" now. WONDERFUL. Now that will be a day. MAN. I'll enjoy seeing Anise and Gale as grandparents.
That baby will land exactly in the right spot to thrive.
You know I want to talk about this
for a reason.
All I had through this family helps
define my attitudes and why I work with children now.
They were always the kind of people that "gave back", in many ways my mom carries that trait in her own very eccentric way too. And as I think about it, as big a pain as he is, my Dad so valued
public education, served it and worked his life about forwarding it too. So I did know this in my life. Dad said you couldn't be a child of the depression , living in poverty, and not "get this."
Help the human race. Lived that.
I think children really need and deserve what grew in their garden for me. Since this came to me simply through their goodness and altruism, I want to celebrate that too.
I often spent summers with the Catletts, going to Cincinnati when Gale coached there, Kentucky or over to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. They were so generous in this inclusion. Oh I had great times. I sat in Reds games, met folks you might rather be impressed about. Great times. I never saw in all those times together any cross words.
I reflect on that a lot.
I'm not saying that my friends didn't have understandings of unfairness or the insanity of politics or the things that were wrong out here in the world, they really get that, but in their
relating to each other they were so aware of not doing that. They didn't drink, they didn't swear, they didn't horde. They seemed to find ways to reach out all the time to people. This is who they are. Life affirming. In what I knew/saw they were just so well liked. I so love them. There is no doubt in my mind at all I can thank them for any good qualities I have, including my love of fantastic done up holidays. I don't know I used to think they knew how to support each other.....now I know they do. How to
understand that children need so much joy and specialness. Centered on them. I felt that, I liked to give that to their beautiful girls and extend that out to those we knew. If I had asked Freda, and I probably did ask her, to make that really good milk gravy and chicken she'd be making that really good gravy up. ( You need to go try some of her recipes, I'll put them here below and have a five mile post.)
Many years we celebrated my birthday together. I liked Freda's baked beans and coleslaw so she'd make it. I liked Lemon Meringue Pie too, so my Mom made that.
They've remembered my birthdays all my life. Freda died when my son was very little. I couldn't go to her service, in fact my health often keeps me away from things ...
I think sometimes
I met the Catletts and re-defined my childhood.
I suppose
that's my point. You can help children redefine their childhood by being involved and involving them in who you are. Taking the time to care. In being a presence they get to know. Coaching, teaching, listening, volunteering, being there. I have kids returning to see me all the time from this 27 year teaching life. They give
me hope. We're in this job for this reason. Long haul. To help see you into a life.
So they are soon any minute to have a baby. Imagine that. I love babies. Pure joy. The little girl I once rode around all over town in her baby stroller is about to be a momma. Oh my. That's wonderful beyond measure. I'm celebrating that for sure.
So what prompted this piece......????
Yesterday I had to go to the ER again.
I have my own bed there I think. Ventura Community Hospital if we ever get rich we need to do something for them. If not gastro bleeds or kidney stones or cancer...I have a syrnix too that gets me there, but I was there this time for a very bad arrhythmia.
Beating heart going (as Dr. Levy said) way beyond the allowed speed limit. 179 for him, 210 at home. I got some med in an IV that converted it right away, and tests.
I feel really awful now but it's not fast now.
The medicine converted it back. It was funny sitting there because this was bad enough to scare me. I thought of the Catlett's ( and some others too), wonderful times at games, in their life days as part of what I do to calm down.
Imagine someone giving you that.
You visualize your friends to relieve your suffering. I think they taught me early on we are here for each other. Period.
No games played. There. The let me know where they are, for all these years.
If I called them tonight, needed something, they'd be there. That's lasted a lifetime. I think of these bonds I make teaching in terms of lifetimes. I'm not so sold on this notion I see bounced around in cyberworld about these advantageous temporary "hook ups," these friendships of cyberness, as we are evolving into this newer and greater thing. I'm kind of convinced kids need us for a lifetime. We need that too.
Not all of them, all the time needing, in some draining sense, not in a predictable way. Not written in a code or mandated. I just know that kids get things like this from teachers, from communities. I'd like my students to know people like Anise and Gale. Good people. I'd like a less boundaried, rich /poor world. I'd like to simply say that here.
Once Anise and I were in a car off a highway in the middle of the night going over to Cincinnati. They came over and picked me up for 6 weeks of summer salvation. Gale was ahead of us, we were driving two cars. Her daughter was maybe 4. The car stopped. Ours broke. It took awhile before Gale figured that out, then he rode off to get us help leaving us in the car. I still laugh at this. We were approached by some really awful things. Anise dealt with them. Oh my it was awful. She had to deal, she was the adult. After we got through it we laughed all night. We laughed for years. We'd laugh now. In fact I am laughing at the things we said. I'm laughing at the fear because first off we made it and second I still enjoy thinking of her "talk" with Gale later. We all stayed together in a hotel room that night. Gale saying the beds were lousy. It was fun. Gale could take anything and make it fun. I once saw him put on a coat a poor soul made him I think out of basketballs and he made that fun for her. But when I need to laugh I think of sitting in that car in the middle of nowhere in Ohio wondering if we were going to "meet Jesus" part of her "talk" that still gives me giggles. I'm sorry I think kids need us to help them laugh too. At stuff that makes me cry inside most of the time.
The kids I teach need a lot.
I was picturing this morning Gale coming into that ER and asking me what was going on exactly and me stammering through "Yes, sir"...just would be funny.
He'd know what to ask. Get you feeling better.
I'm not so sure he's taking care of himself however. I think he ignores his own health.....do you know any iconographic people? Do they ever take care of themselves?
I think Anise told me he had mowed the back 40 in Hedgesville and then noticed chest pain he finally admitted.
After leaving coaching....no wonder, coaching is stress. "On" everyday it's stress. I saw him help so many kids. He was so subtle in this. You just find this in some people.
You don't even realize what they have done.
So...I think of teachers....I'm suffering health issues (FROM THE JOB I think partly sure) ...I know teachers at my work, same. One friend to the ER last week for chest pain, another feeling that too. That's
three of us. Another with a heart attack a few weeks ago in our District. I listen to how the last few years has beat us up. Nationwide. I resent it, it's a disgrace. I do put that at the feet of this President. Sorry. Accountability is
his word, be accountable for what you did to teachers. Me. I listen to younger teachers talking about working for future, "working smarter," I listen, read and know how much I do. Look at what I'm paid, what I buy, what hours it takes, and how
inadequately funded my state was in education...it's just beyond me to articulate feelings held as I do right now.
You know I have a lot of friends, too many we deeply need, that left this teaching job because doing it right
was more important than being forced to do it wrong.
Gale met that wall in coaching for reasons I'm not going into. I don't need to, and neither did he. A life's work shone through to speak for itself.
Teachers need a new kind of day. They need to be respected. I don't agree this is about evaluating them or putting rich or Standfordized systems of really good teacher accounting in place, though I do like things said by Linda Darling Hammond et al generally on poverty and education. I think actually until we do longitudinal studies on all our kids, track them all through time and incorporate that in our "knowing" I'm not sure what we "know."
One thing for sure
poor kids need folks.
I look up to see my friend in chest pain there for them, her students, as she writes plans in the ER ....through time watch her giving heart.... we surely missed the point.
But even more importantly I have to look more from the "me."
I'm one person, making a life trying to go into a hood
and do the right thing.
Trying to give to kids so they might know what I knew as a child. People to help you redefine your childhood, to make your life what you would like it to be.. I'm completely disappointed with the things the last 10 years wrought in teaching for kids in poverty through some politics in a game format....because I don't see the closed "gap." But I'll work to improve what I do. Even if I know that should be done in an atmosphere that values the lives of these kids and my life too . But it's a community effort. I thank God I came from that.
When Gale left coaching I was very sick trying to write up my teaching life....for my kids...I thought I was going really fast. A gastro bleed and other issues with the cancer (then unknown) convinced me I needed to try to say a few things. I got a bit upset because things in my town were said about him that were unkind. So I wrote this to our local paper...I'm putting it here again for my kids. I think they read here once in awhile too. Hope so.. I know the world understands these moments.
When we just need to get something off our chest. For me today, feeling kind of sick...I'm just thinking of the value of those that mentored me, changed my life and all they gave to me.
So my letter...I think from 2002. It was published in the Dominion Post. I'm proud of that too being a West Virginian always myself.
Dear Editor of the Dominion Post,
Years ago I set out on a task which today I'd find daunting, to capture in symbols and form my county for a county Seal contest. It was a good thing I was so young, because I had the optimism and enthusiasm to think it was possible for me to do it. And indeed I did create a design that embodied some of the place I will always consider home.
Home is different for West Virginians, just as love of the hills is kindred, a Mountaineer is always free and always loyal to the struggles, beauty, and feel of the place we call West Virginia. And so it is some years later I would like to write about someone as dear to me as the place of my birth that shaped my childhood and life and was "A True West Virginian". And once more such a person is hard to capture in words and yet something in me, just as it did years ago with the Seal, wishes to try.
When I was young I lived in Morgantown on Maple Ave. South Park was my neighborhood. We rented a home from Mr. and Mrs. Hu S. Vandervort, long known to the city for Sanitary Dairy and many connections to the town. Living next door to them as a five year
old I came to know Anise and Gale Catlett, and grew up intertwined
with their family. Gale and Anise taught me to swim at Marilla, they
visited town and I went bopping next door to visit and share the
kindness and love always extended to me. I knew through many years that they would be there for my birthdays, listen to my thoughts, go places with me. It was an extension into a family that means more to me than I can ever express. I watched and knew Coach Catlett as he became a head coach, had his beautiful daughters and lived his life.
When he came back to West Virginia I can recall the time like it was
yesterday. Those days past rapidly through time. It meant something more that it was Gale coaching because the state of West Virginia, his family meant so much to him. And I can see his mother-in –law tuning in the games on the radio or TV ready to support the team that he came to lead. Often I think of exactly what Gale meant to me. He gave me a sense of belonging beyond my own family. He was exciting and energetic. He was positive, good and true. He was one of the most decent people I ever met. Gale was exactly what West Virginia is at its best. He was dedicated, caring, hard-working and always a friend.
And he made my life richer and more meaningful. What I saw knowing him was essentially more than a coach, he was a leader and he was doing his job by giving young people direction. He did this for me and he did this for others. Gale's children and his wife lived a life of great kindness to those in their community through these years, as teams played and won and records were set and recorded.
It is so sad to see a coach leave the school. It feels like the passing of an era. Often I wonder if the loyalty, endurance and beauty of the spirit of the state remains as it was once. Things change, values alter, times rush us away from ourselves.
I picture the children in my classes long ago and can see youngsters
whose families worked so hard to survive in those hills. I can see in
my mind's eye the quiet dignity of my home state. And I can find there in my mind's eye my image of the Mountaineer Spirit. A person who dedicated a career and life to bring so much to so many in a sports program to celebrate West Virginia and the era from which he had come.
I want to thank Gale for his love of the State and his dedication to
his program, his successes were many. He brought so much to so many. And for me his place will always be amongst those mighty Mountaineers who were loyal and true and did what they set out to do.
Sarah McIntosh Puglisi
My seal....side one
Here are some Freda recipes....
Tomato Aspic
Tomato Aspic
1 sm. box lemon Jello
1 c. boiling water
Mix the Jello and water well. Add the following: 1 1/2 tsp. vinegar 1/2 tsp. salt 1 tbsp. horseradish Dash of Worcestershire sauce 1 c. chopped celery 1 c. grated carrots(fine)
Place in round ring mold- hollow mold or 9x9 pan. Refrigerate
I think this is Freda's...I think
It's not like I had it anywhere else
where does one get ground ham?
1 1/2 lbs. ham loaf mix (1 lb. ground ham, 1/2 lb. ground pork)
1 egg
1/2 c. Italian bread crumbs
1/4 to 1/2 c. milk to moisten
1 c. brown sugar
1 tsp. dry mustard
1/4 c. vinegar
1/2 c. water
Mix ham loaf mix, egg, bread crumbs and add milk to desired moisture. Form into loaf. Baste throughout cooking with sauce. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.
Freda's Sugar Cookies
I think this maybe from her sister Julia Tutweiler from Kiser, West Virginia. Though Freda lived in Morgantown west VA on Maple Street .
Long story, greater cookie….
2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup butter
Cream them well.
1 egg (well beaten)
Sift together and I sift, measure then sift:
(as we learned to do at our mom's knee and I guess in Home ec. Too)
4 cups flour
1 tsp. Soda
Add that in alternating it with 1/3 cup milk
Then add 1 tsp. Vanilla.
Chill in refrigerator several hours or overnight. Roll thin(very) just a little dough at a time using flour and I use a wooden board, cut in shapes with a cookie cutter. Sprinkle with colored sugar. Bake at 325 for about 6 min but I find I take out when edges are just turning but not all over cookie brown. You get a feel for them after a few times .
Only use real butter….hey she was a dairy lady all the way and lived a 98 year life free of almost every illness except a stroke at 98. But that was partly due to home grown veggies and pure living.
I promised hearty so here is that one...
Freda Vandervort would make this for my birthday.
Use a big grater, Grate cabbage not too fine (tho I thought of it as fairly fine) . Add celery salt. Very little celery seed. Sometimes some celery leaves if you have good ones.
Homemade dressing:
egg beaten
1/2 cup white vinegar and a bit of water
Add two tablespoons of sugar.
Add 1/4 tsp. salt
Little piece of soft butter
1/2 tsp dry mustard
Add 1/2 teaspoon flour Add a little half and half. Cook until thick (I mean is this cool or what)
Put 1 tablespoon sour cream , mayo (she used Miracle whip)and this dressing on the cabbage. Now mix and fridge.
Savory Squash
10 to 12 large yellow squash sliced
1 large onion slices
1 (8oz) container sour cream
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar
2 cups corn flakes crushed
Cook squash and onion in boiling water (she says small amt) just to cover 20 minutes , drain well, press between paper towels to get dry.
Stir together squash mixture, sour cream, salt and pepper, Spoon in a lightly greased 13 by 9 by 2 inch baking pan. Top with cheese. Stir together corn flake crumbs and melted butter. Sprinkle over casserole. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. 8 to 10 servings
(or with kids like mine endless amounts for guests)
Freda's Macaroni
This she showed me.
Cook and drain macaroni noodles, she always used about 4 or 5 cups-so I guess she started with a cup or so of noodles and she got them soft, drain
She may have used a double boiler...but in saucepan
melt 1 stick butter
Add in 1 cup milk (sometimes a bit of cream if you have it or half and half)
About a cup of Velveeta cut up in chunks she added and mixed in noodles. Put in pepper and salt.
Butterscotch Brownies
1/4 cup butter or soft shortening
1 cup light brown sugar, packed
1 egg
3/4 cup sifted flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup chopped nuts
Heat oven to 350 degrees
Melt shortening over low heat. Remove
Stir in sugar till blended. Cool.
Stir in egg.
Sift together flour, baking powder and salt.
Add vanilla and nuts and stir.
Spread in well greased square pan. Bake about 20 minutes . Cut while warm.
Potato salad
(this Freda and I sat and wrote up one afternoon tho I am not a good maker to this day)
6 or 7 medium potatoes
Boil potatoes with jackets on.
Let get cold. Let them stand and sprinkle 1/2 cup white vinegar over them for several hours.
Peel/dice then add diced onions (she said about two good sized onions)
Add 4 or 5 sticks celery, chopped fine.
add 1/2 teaspoon celery seed. add 6 hard boiled eggs sliced. (Add radishes to top). Salt and pepper to taste.
Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip mixed with mustard is mixed in with this .
In typical Freda fashion she left this amount to my figuring. Freda gave me A LOT of credit for brains I do not have.
White Cake
1 1/3 cup shortening(1/2 butter)
2 2/3 cup sugar
4 cups sifted Soft As Silk Cake Flour
6 tsp baking powder (which I always think I copied wrong so check with Anise, remember Freda spoke these recipes to me)
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/3 cup thin milk(and I ask you-what is thin milk?)
1 !/3 tsp. vanilla and lemon mixed
8 egg whites
Cream shortening and sugar.
Add flour sifted with baking powder and milk alternately. Fold in egg whites.
Pour in three layers greased and floured.
Bake 40 to 45 minutes at 350 degrees.
I think I always half that baking powder as I fear it....
Baked Beans
I got this from Freda again her talking me through it..
2 1 lb. cans pork and beans about 4 cups
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp dry mustard
6 slices bacon browned nicely and chopped
chop up a small onion
1/2 cup catsup
Empty 1 can of beans into a 1 1/2 quart casserole combine the brown sugar and mustard and sprinkle half over the beans, put in some bacon and onions. Top with the other can of beans and sprinkle the remaining brown sugar mixture, the chopped bacon and catsup. Bake uncovered in slow oven (325) 2 1/2 hours.
Lemon Loaf
This is an Anise Catlett specialty and it is delightful
1/2 cup shortening
1 cup sugar
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup milk
1 1/2 cup flour
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 lemon rind grated fine
Combine ingredients and place into a greased loaf pan. Bake at 350 degrees.
Pour the juice of 1 lemon plus 1/4 cup sugar(I swear I thought she used powdered sugar -ask her)
over bread while warm. Punch holes in the bread so the juice will be absorbed.
Zucchini Casserole
5 medium large zucchini
one medium onion
one container sour cream(2 cups)
Use a shallow casserole
1 1/2 to 2 cups grated cheese (cheddar I think)
Parboil zucchini with onions
Layer and put cheese on top
Bake a bit
I know it's really a loose description and I just recall it one or two times.
Lemon Squares
1st layer
1 cup sifted flour
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1/8 tsp. salt
1/2 cup butter
2nd layer
1 cup granulated sugar
2 tbsp. sifted flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/8 tsp. salt
2 eggs slightly beaten
2 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. grated lemon rind
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp melted butter
Combine 1st 3 ingredients, cut in butter. Press into a greased 8 by 8by 2 inch pan. Bake at 325for 15 minutes.
Mix sugar, flour, baking powder , salt, eggs, lemon juice and lemon rind. Pour over baked layer. Bake at 325 degrees for 25 minutes. Cool.
Blend remaining ingredients till smooth. Spread over baked layer, cut in squares. (cool in fridge)
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