Yes Sally, you are called upon to sign the petition so the kid's can have waterit's at hand
when you think about what you are
it's tough
belonging to anything that can't
follow it's charter
it's tough
doing it today, because it is this day
it's tough
holding water in your hand
it's tough
walking on water
who does that help?
now baby, it's in your hands now
i'm you
it was whispered in my ear
i'm you now
do you feel my pain
i'm you now
what i do i do for you
i'm you now
the lash hits my back
i'm you now
the hunger in your belly
I'm you now
the gaze upon the house on the hill
i'm you now
your anger, your life
i'm you now
your gifts and the blight
i'm you now
when you are cheated, abused
i'm you now
and when you carry my weak dark lies
i'm you now
cannot raise my hand in hate
i'm you now
cannot fail to see how weak
i'm you now
must see the glow of your being
i'm you now
look for the heart
i'm you now
my arms enfold us both
i'm you now
let me whisper in your ear
i'm you now
last first
no class ever went into a frenzy
to be the last one in their line
beating pushing frantically
to fall back to the one
that brings up the rear
they have no line ender notions
it's loathed
yet upon the importance of failures of our designing, of the cabooses
a last place people founded a belief system
with a non leader that said
while dressed in a discarded cloth
how you treat the least of us defines us
don't lead from celebrity and
never fail to be here now
so it is stated he lived it
depending upon the kindnesses of strangers
optimism in their offering
taking on their demons
a cloth to their brow, cool the fever
not consumed by his death
deeply aware of the money changers
a teacher and a preacher
saying that his love was a beautiful stinking weed
that grew into a kings garden
choking away the selectively bred
a metaphor maker
clear in the message of care for others
non accumulation of wealth as wealth
teaching about this
your simple grandmother that freezes her
bananas in the fridge
gives you her life meaning in oral stories
bandages and nurses her lifetime
serving others to fulfill herself
saying this is really living our purposes here
a last place finisher in a rat race
penniless buried on borrowed time
lived life, her brisket life well
she read, loved, tried, cared for me, this drives the now
in the moments she touched the face of her god
by baking a pie of sweet potatoes
and inviting you to the table
heal me
if you cannot feel or care
with me
can you heal me
if the last become first
in the life of this child
are you there
if you had everything perfection
would you give it away
to know its loss
what is love
without the body to carry it
and thus be redeemed
if a love made me not feel this teachers pain
so sharply
could this lift us
or would it be felt
in its rejection
when cruelly realized as nothing changes
bliss and pain came
as i asked again
can you heal me
tend the sick, clothe the poor, feed the hungry
yeah hard words to believe in
harder still for anyone to follow
resisted by titans and totalitarians, by titled and cameoed
photo opted and photo shopped.
but bringing a case of waters or some nice coloring books
to a classroom of kids
a nice mac to allow them to talk to the world
it doesn't spring from word to deed
easily and freely in this world
of critical scientific reason
it takes something more
you have to care enough to give.
own nothing, give it away
giving a lot here to the landlady
for her investments she'd like some understanding
it's been a real hard few months
we got to talking about it when the toilet blew
and it was time to negotiate the fix
not that she would talk about my teaching, life
her mind is filled with her money
her expectations for it, her investing
as Thoreau said her house our home owns her
i just enjoy it as i pay the rent
and consider ways we lose ourselves
as we grow into adults that have too much
that we can't see the rest at all
but its okay because it's not a lost or even bad thing
she's just struggling to figure things out like me
and she's been fair enough
and helpful enough this wasn't fair to her
it was just the way to a poem
life of service it's a little hard to know
what that means now
...................... or what means more
the teacher with the test score
and class, my service...
or that day when old thin drunk
joe, who I once long passed befriended on the bus,
in morgantown west virginia
and down by the square.
he was so proud of me
for designing a county seal
he got a ride from a buddy
and drove up on our hill
bringing to me an enormous roll of blank newsprint
that had been in his tiny room
he rented it for $25 a month
i paid that rent for him once
helped him just a little with a sandwich
he'd have a little thing he found for me in return
we liked to talk
but he was a drunk, not that i saw that
i never did except in his thinness
weighing just maybe 100 pounds at 6 feet
he died shortly after
bringing me that paper to draw on
he was partly polish
he lived a hard life
was a good guy to talk to
about anything
listened, my friend
his brother and i attended the memorial we both held
in our loss
there was a lot of
joes, another kind of ordinary joe stayed with
me on a night of news and police helicopters over a classroom where i taught his boys
one named Canaan with a K
he married a gal 20 years or more his junior
nice, nice gal, called me in the hospital
he was from virginia, saw her from his truck out here
and it stuck
had a passel of kids that had a dad old man
and a lovely mom medicating away being black
poor and stuck in poverty
one son was angry,
two were calm and trying to love everyone
as their Dad showed them to do
he stayed with me that night just to protect me
bombs were being taken from the hood
a house or two away was hot
enough to blow several city blocks the DA said later
FBI removed it
So we sat, he looked so thin, thin as you get
so sick he had no money
he had no care
until a few weeks later the cancer in his lungs and the rest
of his body killed him
Robert Yarborough Sr. was gone
one of his last acts as a man was one of kindness
to watch over me
in that night of crime
as i unknowingly
was saying goodbyeto his days with us
in my days of service
i served many
but the acts of care and love
that came to meexceeded anything i ever did
i've known us at our moments of true humanity
of a kind of beauty
hard to convey the silent testimony of these moments
after working 4 years in a portable with no water
while the big building had it
i decided resenting the incivility
of teachers who had it and didn't allow hand washing anyway of their students
or who yelled and nit picked my kids
when I 'd be daring and send some over to go by their door noisily on the long
long walk in to wash their hands
screaming at me a game to them,
(as they do/did 6 year olds)
i got off my can and wrote a petition
and activated parents
risking my husband's job
(he worked in that school district and that's how they are)
at the other schools in the district where this was also going on they
got the water in the 1st year
(those parents nearer the base were whiter)
so we sat in our 8 rooms waterless 3 years waiting
someone to prioritize water for kids
not even drinks
and so in desperation i spent and spent on wipes, bottled water and on and on
this teacher that has "a rogue bad attitude"
trying to deal
until we got a petition
and teacher sally stopped me
she did
not want to advocate for her class"i've never done anything like this,
never signed a petition,"
she said angrily,
"I'm a
i politely explained she should consider if her leader
her christ, if he would not want for a child
it would seem he'd demand at the least a petition she sign
for membership in the club
and a place to stand up was his real "message" always
he died standing
she was so angry about that news she ever after
then attacked me as a teacher personally
as if i lost my abilities
to teach suddenly, awakening her
to the good news of advocacy
and care
really pissed her off
she signed
and really treated me like hell
for that ever after especially on the grapevine
we got the water in a day
cause we had to get up
its way past time to put some values and beliefs into action and turn on the water of learning in a place with bad food, mandated pulp, narrowed and invisible science, math and a bunch of goofing a high cost to the thirst that should be on everyones mind
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