I decided today to go ahead and kick in 100 bucks to put a curtain across the back cabinets in classroom. See how it's open down below the counters....you can see it above.
I'm not liking seeing open papers and things. I have a third of it covered, on down the cabinet but it's curtain from another room I was in and not tailored for this room. (too bad the windows wash out in these pictures they are nice paintings)
So that green looks dorky. I think this Eric Carle fabric will be great.
By the way, I saw on his Eric Carle site, quite a few nice fabrics for sale. I thought, how brilliant for my room. And then I decided on one.
Slowly I'll make things for the room with the other fabric. I may order a few yards to put up on the wall and re-do somehow the word wall. And try and take on some decorating.
(Jack just yelled in to tell me that Bob Dylan is making a Christmas album with Must Be Santa among the tunes. Boy, that's challenging to consider.)
Anyway I think it'll look nice to put in cabinet covers.With that thought....
purchased 15 yards of this on sale on-line because I am never going into Jo-Ann fabrics again, rude treatment...and our wonderful Fabric Well closed. So I got excited thinking it'll be clean and look good.

Cute no?
On Flickr they have an Eric Carle Fabric group. I was surprised, but hey, nice ideas.
And for those eye rolling I remind you I put a very, very, very high stake on the classroom environment, and that home to school connection. I really do follow Nell Noddings, and I value very highly that kind of room where it "talks" to you and your imagination.
So I'm thinking of making that up.
Hope it comes soon. I start school on Monday.
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