Went to a great in-service a number of years ago using this song teaching "Be"
ELD-English Language Development- done within the context of these words pulled from a song that talks about "to be " (over "not to be.") It was a song relating to immigrants what it might be to be an American actually. We held up the words on big cards as we sang with the CD as I recall, but I thought of ways to use it...and so tonight I think I will use it, as I first start to release the enormous stress that hit me as the year ended. (Something made worse by the fact I had to face the fact a friend really took me through her pressure cooker and then just went over the edge.)
(Shouting out to someone telling me to be, I am trying to achieve that)
A school year ended.
So today is really important to me.
My son Luca Vernon Puglisi is graduating from Rio Mesa High School.
It's been a journey. His life and childhood so dear.
I'll share here his first day of school picture.
(a moment I missed teaching)
Luca loves art, music, guitar, his father, sports, baseball, the old couch downstairs that needs replacing, his friends, history, skateboarding, video games, drums, music and I love remembering him comforting me.
He was THERE for me.
Today I get to be there for him!
So songs for him, should I go with .....
Or shall I go with HIS favorite.
Ah, heck...
Why not...
Or better
(I love this Luca)
Thank you son for bringing me this fine, fine, fine day.
I know it was hard for you. I know that at some point school got hard for you. Hard to stomach.
I know at some point I didn't figure it all out.
But I also know you have a wonderful heart.
That matters.
See my Mrs. Puglisi's 100 National Standards1View comments
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