

    This is my first Thanksgiving without my mother. 
    Aside from losing, God Forbid, my children or spouse, I couldn't have imagined pain like this.
    Since she cooked, cleaned, and took care of us- it is a journey cooking today for this holiday. It travels into our life together, as well as a realization that I only know a bit of how she cooked. 
    Today I tried to make her cornbread, pumpkin pies, and pie crust, pecan pie, her quiche, and make cranberry-orange relish. So far everything has turned out great, but I interpret that as her looking in on me. I was totally alone most of the day-so I had a lot of time to think about Mom, of all our hours sitting together at the table as we were cooking.
    Tonight watching Field of Dreams I've had time to cry about it.
    While a pecan pie cooks- I'm thinking of this salad I chopped up a bit ago.  The recipe will follow this. In truth no matter how small you chop this salad- you will fail. Fail to get it the way Mom and Ferne made it. They were such wonderful ladies. Like in Field of Dreams I see them playing bridge in their lovely dresses. Slim and charming. Mom and my father divorced- but this salad is from the days when I thought they loved one another and we were a family above all else. When they cooked together it felt like security. I taste my work today to go back in  my time capsule. They'd make this up for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It was special-Dad would shell out mixed nuts and together they'd chop. You can't short cut this particular recipe. No processors or choppers. You cut pieces so small, not much bigger than a 1/2 cm, these perfect little chopped pieces, and use Red Delicious crisp apples and the best celery you can find. I get mine right out of the field where we live. You'll discover pieces of it all over counters and floors for awhile.
    Every time I make this I think my mother would be disappointed in pieces too big and tell me so-but by reminding me how finely Ferne could chop it. A round about. I can't chop with the patience of those dear women. I realize almost every recipe my Mom collected and made is defined by being time consuming and requiring skill and incredible patience.  No shortcuts. 

     Ever think you'd give about anything to see someone again?
    Ferne Vincent's very remarkable Fruit Salad

    This is a very unusual fruit and nut salad. In a way it's a lot of work.
    But I can't imagine not making this for Thanksgiving. It improves turkey. I think the recipe came to my mom in about 1968 or so. From Ferne Vincent a dear friend.

    3 red delicious apples (skin on)
    4 stalks celery
    a bag of mixed nuts unshelled which you shell (brazil, hazelnut, almonds, walnuts, pecans)
    1 can crushed pineapple, in syrup drained
    1 large can apricots in syrup
    wedge of cabbage
    1/2 cup sugar

    So the secret is cutting so fine.

    Cut very fine the stalks of celery so that the pieces are like smaller than a 1/2 centimeter. Very fine, but not mush. You do this by hand, no food processor or chopper. In a large bowl. Then cut up the apples the same. Add the mixed nuts, about a cup chopped so fine, again I do this by hand. Drain pineapple, add ( you'll never know it's in there) and add the apricots drained too and sugar. Then I add a pretty fair sized wedge of cabbage chopping it so fine. Mix. Refridge a good while (I make it night before) and serve.

    In a way it reminds me of a relish or chutney.
    But it's utterly delicious especially with a Thanksgiving fair and pretty good for you.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

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  2. http://www.decodeunicode.org/en/data/glyph/196x196/25AA.gif
    I read something a bit ago. It's public on FB so here goes.

    The Paradox of Creativity in Education. All humans have the potential and ability to be creative, and we do ourselves a disservice when we refer to individuals such as Mozart and Einstein as the defining examples of creativity to which we should all strive to emulate. This genius bar misrepresents the concept of creativity and distracts us from the necessary conversations on how to foster the creative mindset and why it’s so important to include in conversations around education. According to James Kaufman, a psychologist and researcher at the University of Connecticut who presented last week at the Partnership for 21st Century Skills Summit, creative people are more likely to get promoted, be satisfied with their jobs, be in better physical health and be more resilient. Those are all outcomes we hope for our children. http://ow.ly/ranEh
    Personally I am conflicted because I think our great artists have been those to emulate. 
    I can't imagine stating otherwise even if I am playing Malcolm Gladwell and challenging recieved wisdom. I gain too much from Beethoven.
    But that's digression.
    I agree with some of this-because fostering creativity and thinking creatively, in education, is something I do know about, and cherish.

    What this for some reason made me flash to was a conversation years ago in a car with a friend of a friend. She was actually pretty mean about it- but what she said, (upon learning I was studying art, art education and also a young artist), was something to the effect that people might work whole lives hidden from "view" working creatively without recognition-and weren't those really the folks more important to life-or life well lived. Who, she questioned, got it right-those with acclaim- or the great masses of us-that you never knew.

    I was much younger than she was then, didn't have a context for her anger, but I thought it was an interesting question. She was actually trying to force me into an adversarial  conversation on creativity. She was an unknown writer in a man's world.
    I had nothing for Lourdes at the time.
    She was too unhappy.
    Later that evening I thought about quilting, folk arts, craft in Appalachia where I grew up. Ingenuity in saving, making, inventing. Largely unknown. But healthy and thriving as what consumed folks. But I think hers was a personal confrontation with who makes great art, or modern art, or an art without a craft-folk purpose-perhaps. 
    Is this journal writing here even remotely creative or like my blog of poems often feels- just extremely bad?
    She was facing knowing she was no Hemingway. Or her doubt around this. 
    Did he relate to the life she was in? Or is it a living art that transforms us, where we can release the comparisons and just be with making and doing? Which stance serves us well?
     These are tough questions.
    Eastern perspectives, western-also define our considering these things. 
     "creative people are more likely to get promoted, be satisfied with their jobs, be in better physical health and be more resilient"
    I'm not sure I believe this, period. Nor think it anything but insistence EVERY SINGLE thing in Common Core land be pitched in the college and career ready-ese that is being required of us now. Arts-good-get better efficiency from worker. Really?
    It sounds like this is saying in a reflexive property, if it doesn't get you a promotion- it doesn't exist in value. What's Beethoven, we need skills so you can ratchet up the decor at the office party or on the presentation, find a new way to make a million. Or use the ipad in a way that sells even more.
    I've seen that at the Common Core trainings.
    Art is "coming back" they say.
    And I'm not looking at data here-maybe art is terrific life granola as asserted--data was sort of cited, however Is this the data set that will win out in the end? And I can't assess that.
    Reminds me of an article I just read-Why Yoga? No, not for the eastern reason for it.  But to be there to counter the 99% antithetical life you are in, to gain a few more days out of your pancreas and stress responding system to get a good night's sleep (when you really need to understand a way to live a life in harmony). Oh go ahead charge the data plan, and get the newest technological wonder-live now. Yoga and then hit the bars.

    As a person with art talent it usually resulted in considerable stress for me, starting with a dad who thought it was a huge waste of time-and unworthy of college pursuit- to jealous friends or ones with bare walls and empty wallets, or more likely teaching co-workers far from awe, it gave me more demands- like a peer teacher for 15 years mining my art teaching,  my buying myself to do that art for us out of personal pocket and servicing their class for free too. No thanks for that. No $. No recognition. After all they couldn't do it. And they  surely weren't going to be bothered to teach to my kids in another domain-why should they? I was given the OPPORTUNITY to use my skills. JOY. That is what a creative person faces.
    And could I crochet or paint or somehow service in other ways in home and work too. Stress. It was a life  art theme.  I'm not sure that is resilience. Maybe I'll one day do a PHD on resilience and try to look at the question. It has been expensive to make art. Taken time, effort, thought. To almost no acknowledgement. I mounted a school wide art fair a few years ago-after being ASKED to. No one sent art, they weren't interested. After school, for free, for eight weeks buying materials I taught three days a week an extra hour and a half. Then I matted all the work. Then I hung with my daughter over 800 pieces- we matted like madmen. It was beautiful. Because one teacher "decided" I'd done the art on "teaching time" which was not what I did, she lined her kids up against the wall of art on purpose ripping about 30 pictures-damaging some permanently-there she showed me. The day after it went up I took it all entirely down. I'll never, ever do anything like that again.

    Just this blog was a commitment of at least 20 hours at least a week on my time-more for my student one-and what happened rather than seen as a creative tour de force (which it is/was)-I'm ultimately scolded -saddened by the person who mined years of free art classes, paintings and generally used creativity-who questions it.
    It has been difficult to process the dual nature of creativity-you are master of the universe and completely awful.  Work in art often disappoints you, points out your flaws, it is like churning in mud much of the time. I hide 99% of what I do personally, hundreds of things,  under my bed. You'll never know. It'll disappear in no time certainly. In fact I couldn't GIVE it away when I truly wanted to.
    No one seeks out my creative ideas at work-you must be kidding.

    I'm in trouble for having that line of thought.
    I'm the most visible invisible person I've known demonstrating creativity.
    This teaching world has punished many public school teachers for making art under NCLB -narrowed-referred to the arts as basically trivial. I was not alone. I was singled out for being more educated in art than anyone I know- and more skilled -and it was launched in my face as my deficit
    "I question your use of instructional minutes in art." 
    That has greeted my work to develop creative students at a high level. Well thanks.
    I question it as well.
    Go where you are wanted.

    I'm not a fool, my work in art as a way to develop language, meaning, scholarly thought speaks for itself. It is/has been very good for children. Very useful. And it might help them define futures.
    So what?It HAS changed lives.
    Go ahead-talk about what you do not know-my blood pressure is headed through the roof. I'm not healthy from insisting on remaining creative in teaching work.  If art is good for promotion, for health, for being resilient-that wasn't really feeling evident to me. I am far from promotion. I can never hope to even be restored to Leadership or a grade level chair position. Not in my life, no matter what.  On the other hand as a young person I responded to adversity by creating. And in my youth it was a compulsion. It still is. I respond to life by creating.

    This blog is a creative construct. A reaction to  issues I cannot directly address, a way to BE CREATIVE in my teaching life- isolated in NCLB- and aware that the rigid mandating took away my profession-while many willingly cheated children out of the development of these creative capacities-something I view as important to recognize. Common Core, they say, is better.
    But who says it ?
    It's two ends of a burning rope actually.

    To make someone creative is to open them to critique, exposure, risk, resentments, group condemnation, to free them to reflect, think, invent, be different and challenging, but it will cull them from a group quicker than you can say Jackie Robinson.
    I don't think it's a way to get job satisfaction in factory and corporate models, perhaps,  and I don't know a single artist ever that I thought of as a model for physical health.
    That may be improving. Except in dance and not really in dance. Too thin. Often anorexic.

    But if you want to talk about what it does-then prepare to look at life in a complex way.
    An artist looks differently. Which isn't often cherished. 
    But it is necessary in change, and since we are always changing it's a pretty important thing.
    It will be the creative person that is the odd one out in the grade level, say, where the norm is all striving to be on the same page. The artist will offend that impulse for sameness - but they will also be trying to think deeply in new ways. They will not be doing that for spite. Nor is their ability a shame thing. It is an accomplishment. It is a kind of genius. Isn't it?

     But on point if you are living creatively I think what you are doing is learning to think, challenge, well...I'm thinking of my Dad's third wife. She was a dancer, American Ballet Theater, then a dance teacher. She took up quilting when she was with my Dad in her 50's. Her first quilt won state fairs and competitions in a state where quilters are legend. Each successive one more brilliant than the last.  What I knew was she went into quilting already a highly competent creative thinker. She quilted like she choreographed, like she danced, because over her life (she danced young)-she developed her creativity. Janet may well be able to teach creativity or give a TED talk- of that I have no doubt- but more likely she is engaged in a creative life.
    I don't think this brought her greater job satisfaction.
    Crap I think work was sh*t for her. She got out never looking back.
    And I think she strives for the heights through art actually.
    I think that genius thing is in her construct of creativity. You are darn right.
    I think what it did do was allow her the guts to risk to live creatively.
    Not conforming to a clique. Health? Well high blood pressure. So, no, to ask that we teach the arts through kids lives and encourage arts isn't about selling it as the new grapefruit diet.

    I don't think it'll solve global warming either.

    I worked at one point in my career closely with someone that lacked creative impulses.
    I studied them over a long time. They could  manipulate another to achieve them doing something for them they ought to do for themselves, but as far as designing lessons or creative experiences, no.
    Not willing to try to cook, or to make, or to even think through that lens-when really it was a complete lack of acting on creative impulses- I'm sure for a variety of reasons-including failure to risk and open the direct connection to love necessary. 
    For creation is that impulse.
    Modeling working creatively over time did very little  for them, it took too much from my health and happiness- but built a deep resentment-as their frame was set. In some ways this left almost nothing to be shared but resentment, competition and the usury frame our association took. But, in regards to the quote here, what I think about is how the person was a sort of a  consumer of arts. If it made you look good-she'd get that. I wonder about arts and the Common Core. So far I read in Common Core nothing that sounds like what I know of art in life.
    And a lot that sounds like that relationship we had.
    Nothing of art's purpose as we have known art in every culture we've encountered it.
    And that was not to get job satisfaction or have less heart disease.
    I think it was to process being human.
    And I think we'll need our geniuses and our cultural valuing as a force-over our seeing art as something we can talk up as a new toy to possess and test and use. But..I've been wrong before.


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  3. http://www.decodeunicode.org/en/data/glyph/196x196/25AA.gif

    On November 22, 1963 I was a small blond child living in the faculty apartments in Morgantown, West Virginia with my parents. My father was pursuing a new life as a professor at West Virginia University after earning his PHD in Ag. Econ/Econ in Madison, Wisconsin. We were in optimistic times for my young parents.

    Anything was possible.
    And then, in a way it died.

    I was a small child at home on a day that was seasonless-frozen on my inner lens-I say that because I would not yet understand seasons, not for several more years do I think in terms of seasons in my memory. This remembering is visual. I was born July 1, 1959, all of 4 at the time of this happening. But I remember the day as sunny and fairly warm. We lived on the top floor of the apartments and we had a small TV. It was black and white, and I was watching. From my spot on the linoleum floor in front of the TV I could see my mother washing the kitchen windows up on a chair, screen out, leaning way out to do a good job-windex in hand, paper towels. Dangerous really. Her eye was sort of on me. She was dressed like Laura Petrie. I watched TV a bit, and then decided this was important enough that I needed to go get her. Much like my young daughter Sophia told her of September 11 years later.
    "Mommy, the President has been shot."

    Rather big news for a toddler to deliver.
    Mom reacted, that I so remember. She got down off that chair and into that room like a lightening flash. When SHE remembered the story, years later, I'm not sure I figured in her telling quite as large as she figured in my telling. And watched as she cried and reacted. I suppose that at such a young age it was instantly understood from then on Presidents were vulnerable leaders, people were about dying, world events had enormous consequences, certainly I first glimpsed my parent's world literally crack. Both of them, and their good friends Lenore and Tony Pavlick took this in as a national, state, community, town event. They sat together, stayed together and everything STOPPED. They were in true distress, and I remember watching that TV clean through the funeral with someone in their group always connected telling us all.

    At some point Dad took me outside to throw a ball, hit me in the head as he was likely to do, hurt me enough for me now to shed tears, and they took a momentary respite to rejoin their own personal concerns being parents. I remember that day as relatively balmy and sunny-as my day is today- writing this out in California 50 years later-not in a training I ought to be in to see ipad apps demonstrated for ipads I don't have for my students by someone at the school lucky enough to be selected to have them.
    No way would I recall that time in terms of "near winter." So at least I know in West Virginia it was a pretty lovely day-weather-wise.

    I knew that Oswald was shot as well, in my internal pictures. We watched Walter Cronkite on our couch in an apartment with about five pieces of furniture total. My parents were so poor-I never knew that, not for many, many years. I think of 1963 as the times before we knew what we lacked, but valued what we were.

    Years later my mother read every book about the assassination. She clipped articles. Mom was in times pre-internet, an avid reader and scholar, and so books and newspaper articles were how she addressed the concerns of conspiracy. She read and followed the Warren Commission. She did not believe that we would ever really get to the real truth, but I can say she believed the truth was suppressed. Truly she did have an unbelievably large collection of books on the death of this President, and that led her to a great deal of research on his Presidency-on that she really had knowledge. I would hate to say her innocence died-but it did.
    That day.

    Did she have a favorite theory of his death in the conspiracy vein? No. She was remarkably not someone I heard say-oh this is what I think happened. She simply collected and considered, and read those who had theories. My mother concluded there were too many forces that would want him dead not to respect the seriousness of this-and her research on Oswald truly alarmed her. She had a hang up for awhile about someone at the grassy knoll but I forget what that was. I DO KNOW that in my teens and through the rest of her life Mom got Kennedy books for her birthday or holidays or when we spotted them, the way you might give a collector of spoons or pink elephants new finds. Here you go Jean.
    Her favorite was a VHS of the Zapruder film.

    Mom died August 23, 2013. She did not make it to the 50th Anniversary of one of our nation's saddest days. Sad days would follow, RFK, MLK, other awful things. I remember all of that as my childhood. Literally marked by crushing blows against strides into a progressive, forward looking, hopeful future.

    For me the music died on the day of her death, but for Mom the song that was written and she got to hear sung in Monterey many years later-American Pie- summed up how SHE felt about that day, November 22, 1963.

    When I think of this, reflect, it occurs to me that here was the way things were going, the catastrophic event and then the long, awful spewing into the future the karma of it happening -not unlike the Zapruder film showering all of us with the split second JFK exploded across the frame-killed by a gun and a person that robbed the future. Mom wanted "the truth" and "understanding" from the incomprehensible I think. She sought to make known the unknowable. You can't be born in those times and not carry the collective memory.

    This was what Jung spoke of in our collective.

    As I look at the anger, division, meanness, I see September 11-the date that robbed my children as I was injured.
    Damage. Then reconstruction, possibly healing, but never the same.
    Bye, bye.

    That is how I remember this day. Soon those of us of this day will be gone, but how long will it be that the imprint will shadow us?


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  4. http://www.decodeunicode.org/en/data/glyph/196x196/25AA.gif

    I've spent a few hours today polling a few people.
    Am I a white suburban Mom? 
    Do I think my children are brighter than they are?
    Were their schools actually lousier than I thought?

    All critical questions Arne Duncan is voicing in his "conversation" on Common Core and "world class schooling." I can't say Dr. Duncan because he didn't pursue that level of education, but I can say Secretary Duncan, who did seem to choose his words with less than careful thought.
    Of course I'm no stranger to that as well. Still.
    Still I've been thinking about this.

    Yes I am white. 

    Technically I'm suburban, if Oxnard,CA is suburban-is it?

    Yes, I do generally think my children are "very bright." Brighter than they "really are?" Er...
    Well after attending Caltech my oldest liked to tell me that I saw her as unique in the land- when she saw herself as in the lower half of her school. So, yes, I suppose on a technicality I see the sky as the limit for their capacity. Yes, I see them as my everything. Funny thing though, I see every child I teach that way as well.

    Their schools were, until college, schools in poverty areas.
    I saw those schools in a positive light-I worked there.
    I believe in those schools.

    I refer you to this backpedaling CNN if you have no idea what I'm discussing.

    I, personally, found this remark by a Secretary of Education to be-well, sorry, technically racist, insulting to women as mothers as well, and thus also clearly sexist, and finally remarkably condescending and, in fact, to smack of elitism.
    First suburban mothers are white, black, brown, tan, off white, golden, peachy, all the colors skin has. To  use a pejorative like "white suburban Moms," well let's substitute "black inner city moms"-would that be appropriate? It gets me in that icky place.
    Real icky.

    Then there is the notion that white suburban Moms are the ones raising the little kiddoes. Also awkward and denigrating to their status as job holders, professionals and super ick to the fathers.
    Like my husband who was as involved with these kids and their education as it gets.
    Can he also be fooled into the great lie that they are less bright than we thought?
    Are white suburban Dad's-technically Italian so he says "olive" also needing a good dose of the castor oil Common Core?

    Then there are the other layers.

    I think generally calling other people's children "not as bright as you thought" goes in the special all to itself league. Somewhat there with being a guest in someone's home who has children and informing them you hate kids.
    Then there is the insult to their ability to judge their child AND their school. Boy just say stupid and get it over with.
    Plus it sort of endorses the idea of white flight when you read the comment fully.

    All in all, not the best way to "have the conversation." Awkward...shoot that's way beyond awkward.

    I, for one, want to know what conversation we are having. Exactly.

     Is it the one about poverty-how testing increased white flight, is it about inequity in schools, or what poverty schools face on a routine basis-things like the expectation that scores will be the same NO MATTER WHAT the experience and situation of the child?

    That conversation?

    Is it the conversation about Common Core and how it was imposed, what is looks like in primary education, how it will be assessed and what it fundamentally changes? Who funded it?

    That conversation?

    Is this the conversation about those with children in private schools seeking to privatize public schools through undue influence and outright purchase by corporate cronies?

    That conversation?

    Is this the conversation about  my children? What was it I learned sending them to the public schools I worked in and seeing the detrimental effect NCLB wrought on those schools over time in test based instruction and narrowing of curriculum, de-skilling of teachers?

    That conversation?

    Is this the conversation about your tenure as Ed. Secretary, from denigrating Master's Degrees, that oops in Louisiana,  to the assault on teacher's professionalism, and your aligning with those that labeled us "bad" especially when we worked in deep poverty?

    That conversation?

    Is this the conversation about the role shame, division, school-rating, have played within the educational decisions made in America the last 12 or so years?

    That conversation?

    Is this the conversation about who is defining 21st Century schools? And why?

    That conversation?

    Is this the conversation about why such awful things as those you stated would ever slip from your lips? I think the reason is quite a bit more complex than you just had a word-smithing problem. Tell us about some of the things in back of those assumptions we just gleaned insight into.

    Have THAT conversation.
     Or admit that for a really long time you've not been conversing with teachers at all.

    I want to have THAT conversation.

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  5. http://www.decodeunicode.org/en/data/glyph/196x196/25AA.gif 

    Tonight I unloaded some of our books from boxes I put them in to get ready for new carpets, cleaning them, and putting them away. To be honest all I did was look at them and wonder where they've been for 15 years-knowing that they must have been right there because we boxed in the area they were going back to. And yet I found things I thought were long, forever, gone. Some I have just a vague memory of buying. Tonight I emptied fifteen or so boxes, and then tuckered out with eight boxes to go. Clearly the office upstairs- that was formerly known as "The Buddha Center"- that is until my son said this week, "What the h_ll are you talking about?" when I called it that. So I have renamed it- for family use-"The Office" which he seemed to be able to take.
    Along with never imagining your Mom dating, also include being cool, or having an inner life, now apparently she can't meditate in the morning in the Buddha Center. A "Mom" is not going to go sit in a Buddha Center- even if she did buy a Buddha at the Pier One once 15 years ago. Luca told me to stop talking. It reminded me of a Seinfeld skit with George telling his Mother she couldn't be "out there" because he was "out there." If your child might wear a T-shirt with a Buddha on it they can't take their Mom in one.

    When I was putting in double rows to the book shelf- to accommodate all the books- books in front of books. I found something. My journal from 1969-at about 9. Someone, my father actually, brought home this red leather book to record meetings from his work-but he gave it to me. This was a time without things for me in 1969-and in general in the world I thought it was a time of less. But now I realize we were poor. It became a Christmas present-anyway I thought it was great. I'm sure it was a freebie when he was Chairman of his Department in the University.  It was cool, so I  managed to write about 30 entries. For a whole year. I was the kind of kid that started something and intended to do it. 
    Sustained writing came much later. So did introspection. Brevity defines my journal then.
    No, my Mom and Dad are NOT fighting in my pages.
    I do say I have a lot of homework. And in a way that makes me think I probably didn't have the brains to do it-I can't even indicate to a reader what homework I was taking about. So I say I have to write something from every page 1 to 84. Of what?
    Or I say it's the new year without capitals- misspelling a lot of very simple things. 
    Then on March 26, 1969 I say nothing about the times-and these times were turbulent. Nothing about the news. I say Danny D. said I called him "a lover" and threw my chair over in class seriously crushing my thumb.
    He was a lousy tempered bully, I don't say that then but I say it now,  even for those days he threw me across the room in my desk in an act that was extreme- and btw my thumb was never the same.
    I don't even write I'm in pain. No exaggerating, no self pity, not even saying how awful it would be for me to go back to school to face him and his cronies the next day, and then be blamed for his actions. I just put down a sentence saying it happened to ME.

    Funny but I had to learn many, many years later I wasn't someone's punching bag. 
    I did not deserve that. I thought tonight for a second about  how I evolved an actual voice. By nine my children were well able to write their thoughts, their frustrations, to record their day, and world events. I could not. One day I made chocolate chips I say, not even sparing the word cookie. In another entry squeak out that I am making a heart because it is Valentine's Day, and again failing to use a capitol letter to write the holiday. I make then the simplest heart, saddest one, in red pencil. Saddest I've ever seen.

    A simple time?
    No, a simple person that had a long road ahead of her. 
    I looked at everything in that bookshelf tonight as I obviously wrapped getting these things around my kids-perhaps healing that little kid I was once-the one who owned four or five books and a journal where sparing a word wasn't easy.

    I carried my past into my life. I can see that. But I carried to my kids this rich, wonderful literature too-to cut myself a break- and these books are heavy enough for me to notice that. So much love there. I've never seen books more carefully chosen or just better. I realize going through my family books-here are extraordinary things. Unpacking.

    Danny D. died at some point years ago. I forget his story. Maybe it had to do with drugs, I don't know at all. He was frozen for me forever as a violent, aggressive bully that hurt me. I didn't wish death on him, no not ever, but I certainly am not his mourner. I'd prefer he'd have lived to 120 revisiting his many victims and mistakes and somehow bringing to consciousness the pain he inflicted on me in his tantrum.  But that didn't happen-that nine year old I was knew the score on that. I didn't even refute his "charge." Why, even then I realized if you were capable of violently crushing someone's thumb damaging it forever -certainly lying about why you'd do that meant nothing to you.  A good thing for me to remember every so often. I meet these crushing people in my life.

    One cool thing I found tonight-my China books-I've searched for them for some time. I also found "Sophie's Bucket" the most darling children's book that belonged to my daughter. One of her first books-and special to me because we lived at the beach-it told that story with her name too.

        This sweet little book.

    New carpet has somehow been a way for me to clean, organize and ultimately think about losing my Mom, and all the days that got me to where I am- thinking of her and the fact I'm living numbered days too. 
    Her thread through these books, these things, is so strongly there- a tie binding me to this plane of existance.
    In the week or so to come I'll begin cleaning her casita and putting her books away, painting her furniture, and doing things I intended to do-now to shift her room into a guest space or a small studio. Maybe I'll start writing there. Maybe I'll curl up in a ball and cry. Until I can't. Then write.
    Things that I'd like to say.

    (And for the record since I lacked this insight as a child in my journal-the world- the Philippines had a devastating storm-universal health care seems shot, the environment is collapsing, greed won, and it's been yearssince anyone wrote a good song-art seems dead)


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  6.  http://www.decodeunicode.org/en/data/glyph/196x196/25AA.gif
    War is loss.

    I'm two months after the death of my Veteran mother.
    Someone sent me an odd cryptic message today about the stages of "Sarah's" grief. I re-read my blog a few days after she died-one they attached. I'm so glad I wrote this reflective blog- it has been thousands of hours, heart, intelligence, feeling. A dedicated effort and for all its flaws it is an example of who I am.
    In it I have reflected for 7 or more years, on teaching and living, art, motherhood and tried to openly deal with life.
    My school district has done a good job in shaming me over the effort, an excellent job,  but I really have not failed to write to the difficulties, the successes, projects. Nor have I simply capitulated. But I am a person, I have parents, losses, wins, things change-I write that. The blog collects that. It is a good way to learn about yourself and today I experienced that.
    How you evolve over time-it is a process of the evolution of your journey in this life. Or failure to evolve.

    Two months after the death of my Mom I find myself re-carpeting the house.
    I worked myself hard the last week or so boxing our life, cleaning, now unboxing. Twelve huge bookcases alone was a monster effort-despite promising to throw out half the books I discover we own incredible books. There is nothing lousy by and large to eliminate. Ten years wears out a carpet. Mom's coffee took a toll on it really. There were trails everywhere,  as she shook fiercely after her strokes. She also loved coffee. She denied being a cause of this in the most vicious way-and that reminds me of one of the most strong things about her-she was not holding onto too much blame. All the time she and coffee were inseparable. It is lovely to see new carpet.
    But truthfully without my Mom here-it just remains carpet. New, definitely cleaner, but I feel just as odd as I have for the last  two months. As if this broken heart left some part of me here- but took the true me somewhere else. Is that a stage in grief?

    It is Veteran's Day and I'm thinking of my mother.
    On this day every year we'd talk about her brother Marshall Lucas. He died in Korea in that war. We'd talk about the service of her brother Charles, we'd talk about her service, and my father's, and then many others we knew. I'm going to attach a post called "Raw" I wrote at least three years past.
    It is something I want here for my Aunt Merilee to read.

    Her son carries his name-and sometimes I forget that Marshall lives on in my lovely cousin's life.
    That's so important.

    Here's to our vets.

    May those that survive, prosper. May those lost to time, may they be as honored as my Uncle was in having another generation carry their name forward -and their memory live on in them.


    I'm going to take a little risk here.

    My son Luca has been struggling in high school.
    Nothing of the structure works well for him, but he certainly doesn't hate it. He's actually fond of it. His teachers don't complain of defiance or his attitude other than to find him unmotivated, not at all defiant, he just fell behind in a way a long time back. State scores are really great though. They can reap that, it gets him in "honors." He went to school at 4, not 5 and it's been the legacy of the late bloomer with a late birthday. His musical skills and his heart in sports all in this uber thin small guy is just really incredible. But high school isn't what he needs, yet.
    At least not the way this is.

    What he has been doing however I wish I could tell a teacher about.
    I wish he had one that cared to hear it from a "me." Free of a lecture to either of us on "responsibility." I know it, that talk, I teach too.
    One teacher referred me to an on line grade check rather than this kind of a dialog.
    But I'd like to tell them my blocked intestine and the cancer might be on his mind, up coming operation, the vomiting, a bit like a shadow.

    I'd really like them to help him with something else. Something impossible. Something too much for me to know how to deal with at all.
    My son is very bonded to my mother who, because I was so ill really helped raise him. Or stepped in with comfort. Butter boy has been the apple of her eye since the day he plopped into her arms. And for a school project Luca interviewed my mom all about the second world war and her remembrances. She also was his "hero" in a project not so well graded this year. In that piece my son again went to her and she shared something very timely, the story of the death of her younger brother to war in Korea. Something very rare for her to speak about. It might not seem timely on the surface until sitting on a Sunday as you watch a PM news program present the US deaths for the week. Look at kids that just stopped in time. And then you see why it is right there for her. The clock that ticks for all of us-sadly it tolling for my mum. And after one big stroke-and through this last month's mini strokes-signs are telling her the time is at hand.
    It kind of got me to see his score on this project with her be lower, he put so much into this. To a person unable to say to him, "that matters." in truth they have invalidated our family in a great show of ignorance, but I am mostly silent. It was such an invalidation, but from my child not a word,not a bit of that at all. He "likes" them. But, then, I haven't met the teachers. And I can check the grade on-line.

    That's high school. I guess for some.

    Luca has continued to dig to find out about a 19 year old PFC lost in Korea that doesn't even have a tribute written about him in the Memorial sites. Marshall R. Lucas died in Korea on patrol. That's all we knew. We knew Harold Osterud was the older brother, a medic, to a close friend of Marshall's from their town of Ashland Va that first got to him after death sending word to my grandmother, Gladys Pearl H. Lucas, that he died "instantly." We knew that. We knew that another soldier told my mom that prisoners weren't taken, they were made to kneel and shot in the head by the Chinese soldiers. Her brother was shot in the back of the head at close range. Just that way.
    We don't know what a day was like for him, what the sun rise looked like there, if he knew people of the country, if he was comfortable or not. We know he had been to R and R in Japan. What could he have seen there? Did he understand the conflict? Do we ? My mom probably does she spent her life discovering this thing I call national reasons and rhymes. She had a few letters from him I once read but I will tell you what I remember of this was they were like peeking into a young person keeping something from their mom. They sound like my daughter talking to me about her life now at 19 in CalTech. Ultimately just reassurring. And making the best of something. Theses were not revelatory. And how I saw those was utterly by stealth when I found them in my father's closet. I think for years he held onto hem for my mom, because she could not bring herself to read the youthful voice of a kid sent to war. he has the strength for that.

    And we as a family each in our way know that our parents, my cousins and I, we know this tore the fabric of the entire family. You can't really know because I can't capture it. I will say this I have never heard my family condemn other people, blame others, call for war....I have heard them speak of WW2 and the loses, the families destroyed, the necessity of that after attack in the face of loss of civilian life and the horror in Europe, the nightmares faced. But of these actions after this, I have heard almost nothing. My father lost friends in Korea, friends serving with him years on Guam. I've heard him tell of that in a sentence or two. I've seen his eyes mist. And they seldom really told us everything because they don't know it either. It was a misting that enclosed us, shrouded us. This loss and hurt included a different kind of remembering in the naming of my cousin for this lost murdered soldier boy. Not entirely understood in anyway andnow my son looking as all of us do at the puzzles of family, then has found some different pieces to reveal and try to fit into his part mostly because he was willing to go look. And he cared so much about my mother's pain.

    During the time he talked to her she told him things I never heard before. And I'm an oral history lover, well I value trying to understand. When you talk of war that is not expressed by that sentence. It is so horrifying a thought, I value trying to understand it's effect on us all. Because from every position it is something that cannot be undone. But you don't always think of the story of the killing of your uncle to war as "history." You think of it as pain. Some things I never asked her.

    Mom talked to Luca about why she herself went into the service.
    She was in the Air Force. Both her brothers were in the service at the time of Korea, as was my father. Her younger brother was drafted out of VA, though he really was living in Florida with my grandmother who had moved to St. Pete. He was drafted out of Hanover County, Virginia. Mostly because the papers weren't changed in her recent move to put him in St. Pete's system. Mom wondered if this didn't appeal to the VA draft board in sending him off (in my mom's words) "to be slaughtered." Mom's kind of bitter. You would be too if you considered that where he died, the hill that was taken, just impotently reverted back to the enemy. She says in many ways that stands for how she sees war. I gather when MacArthur was stopped in his march into China...and boys lives were lost in the mishigas of this. I don't want to appear unaware this is felt all the way around, I want it however understood that so often you just know nothing.

    Now I have to write carefully. I just learned more about her deep anger, feelings, pain than I really knew drawn into words ever in my living with her lifelong. I learned how they told the family of his passing, where she was. How it was that 5 days after he died, Eisenhower was elected on a campaign to stop this war. As a promise. She joined the service somehow in a form of solidarity with brothers she feared might lose lives to , in her words, "Try to keep myself occupied." Learned to fly a plane. Became socially conscious, involved, aware. She had fear and she read a letter sent by the Service signed by Truman saying her brother was dead, the day before Halloween (my most hated holiday a time I wish I could wipe away for her forever so she might not each year live it as she does.) Losing a young brother at 19 with no girlfriend or wife yet or baby to mourn him, lost to times, to a bullet. Stopped, almost forgotten, as her generation passes. No one aside from my cousins, her family,  have ever written or contacted her about this life, this brother so dear to her. She carries in her the wish it all meant something.
    And she knows it doesn't, in her words, mean "anything." "He died for nothing."

    War, in my mother's words, should be fought by us oldsters.
    Or ceases to exist. Pass away like a bad thought. Fought by those instead that might send in kids to die as a "solution." These things I heard her talk to my son about this last few months, and I watched my young historian hold her gaze as a priest might, or a confessor. As a child fully engaged in the greatest of life's learning lessons might hold onto the hand of time. A child becoming the balm and the memory, the receptacle of this job of helping her to ready herself at over 80 for her journey into no time by gathering her greatest sorrow, to release it, and being willing to witness this, to carry it into the days ahead. So it might not be forgotten.

    And then I can check the grades on-line.

    I don't know what grade to give my son.

    He found the description of the battle that his uncle fought and died there on patrol. It was called Operation Showdown. Its commander got a Medal of Honor, he took it for the men like my 19 year old Uncle Marshall Lucas who died there a lowly PFC that now isn't recalled. I just don't know how to feel.

    Luca found this description of this battle for a hill and gave it to mom. He found out that Dr. Osterund , the medic that couldn't resurrect a man shot in the head, but could tell his mom it was "fast" went on to dedicate a life to medicine in Oregon, to public health. His bother Carl, my uncle's buddy, we don't know. We hope he lived, and lived well. For both of them perhaps.

    Luca found where we can tell his story so it isn't forgotten, and he wrote all of it into a form that will remain for him written inside, there all of his life, may I never be faced with sending his tender being off to war or into things I do not know off to die. He wants to join the service. It's tough. I am mostly silent with this.

    My son believes in things I don't always see. He is young but all of his life he has known what he believes, been a "self," he believes in love, his family, in Christ, in doing right things. And in service.

    So......here is the story of where my Uncle died, it's taken from the web. It is more than we ever thought to know. I hope I can be forgiven for placing it here:

    Showdown on Triangle Hill: twelve days of intense combat in October 1952 cost the U.S. 7th Infantry Division 365 KIA for a piece of turf that ultimately remained in enemy hands

    In October 1952, the U.S. 7th Infantry Division occupied a sector of the Main Line of Resistance (MLR) in central Korea near Kumhwa. Opposing the division, the Chinese 45th Division held elevations to the north, including Hill 598, also called Triangle Hill. Both sides were well dug-in. Battle lines had not changed significantly in almost a year.
    After peace talks began in November 1951, the Eighth Army assumed an "active defense" posture and combatants on both sides marked time awaiting the outcome of the talks.
    The "War of the Hills" had begun. For six months, this war played out as artillery/mortar exchanges and minor skirmishes that did little to change the situation. Then, in spring 1952, as frustration over the failure of peace talks increased, "active" defense gave way to active engagement. Operation Showdown began to take shape.
    Col. Lloyd Moses, commander of the 7th Division's 31st Infantry Regiment, relates in his memoirs, "Not long after my arrival in the 31st Infantry, the division and corps commanders talked to me about an attack on Hill 598." By June 1952, Moses wrote, plans were under way "to move our MLR forward ... On 23 July, I began to make serious plans to capture Hill 598, should we be called upon to do so."
    Hill 598 was a formidable objective. The apex of its 2,000-foot triangular crest overlooked U.S. 7th Division positions on a line of hills about half a mile away to the south. From this apex, two massive ridges extended to the northeast and northwest. The ridge to the northwest was dominated by a hill called Pike's Peak.
    The other terminated with a pair of hills that had been dubbed Jane Russell in honor of the well-endowed American actress. A less prominent ridge, named Sandy, sloped down to the east. About 1,000 yards across the valley from Sandy stood Sniper Ridge, which, because of its strategic location relative to Triangle, also was an objective of Operation Showdown.
    On Oct. 8, Far East Commander Gen. Mark Clark approved the operation. By then Maj. Gen. Wayne Smith, 7th Division commander, had selected the 31st Infantry to conduct the assault on Triangle Hill. The attack on Sniper Ridge was assigned by the Corps commander to elements of the South Korean 2nd Division.
    `Shower of Grenades'
    Operation Showdown began on Oct. 14. Although the original plans called for a single battalion attack on Triangle Hill, the objective was too large and too well-defended for such a limited force. So Moses ordered his 3rd Battalion to take the west sector of the objective, including Hill 598 and Pike's Peak. The east sector of the complex, including Jane Russell and Sandy Ridge, became the objective of the 1st Battalion.
    In spite of two days of preparatory air strikes and artillery barrages, the two assault companies on Hill 598, L and K, met fierce resistance from the Chinese as they made their way up the hill's steep south slope. Small groups from the attacking force repeatedly assaulted the crest of the hill, each time being repulsed by "a shower of hand grenades, shape charges, bangalore torpedos and rocks."
    Within the first half hour, all of L Company's officers became casualties. After two hours, with both assault companies still bogged down, I Company was committed to the battle.
    Taking advantage of earlier gains by the 1st Battalion, I Company attacked the hill from the east through Sandy Ridge. L and K companies, pinned down throughout the day, were finally ordered to withdraw. I Company held into the evening, but faced with repeated counterattacks, also abandoned the assault.
    In the 1st Battalion sector, A Company led the attack on Sandy Ridge and Jane Russell. Pinned down almost immediately by small arms fire from Hill 598, the platoon on Sandy sustained 25 casualties in the first few minutes. When the remainder of the company was also stopped short of their objective, B Company was sent into battle.
    Sandy Ridge was finally taken and consolidated, but the attack on Jane Russell remained bogged down. C Company was then pitched into the maelstrom. After three hours of combat against intense resistance, "the crest of Objective `B' (Jane Russell) was in friendly hands."
    On that crest, 1st Lt. Edward R. Schowalter performed feats Hollywood could not duplicate. He led platoons of A Co., 1st Bn., 31st Inf., up Jane Russell Hill. "Right through the hail of grenades and small-arms fire he led us," recalled one GI.
    Nearly killed twice, he at one point found himself stacked among dead Chinese. Severely wounded, he spent six months in the hospital recuperating. Modesty was Schowalter's hallmark.
    "I always figured I was awarded the medal as the representative, of a superb fighting team," he said. "We took that hill together. I wear the Medal of Honor on behalf of all the men who fought and died on that hill. It's really theirs."
    Repeated enemy counterattacks, however, finally forced the 1st Battalion to abandon its positions, and by the end of the day, the enemy remained in control of all 31st Infantry objectives.
    from page 1. Previous | Next
    Unit's Deadliest Day
    In terms of casualties, it had been the most costly day for the regiment in all of its more than two years of action in the war: 96 KIA and 337 WIA. It could have been a lot worse. For the first time in the history of modern warfare, every combatant in the assault force was wearing an armored vest.
    The following day, the 1st Battalion of the 32nd Infantry, placed under the command of Moses, assaulted Sandy Ridge and Jane Russell, while the 2nd Battalion of the 31st attacked Hill 598. E Co., 31st Inf., reached the trenches on 598 and, reinforced by F and G companies, secured the position. Strong resistance, though, continued from the enemy on Pike's Peak.
    Pfc. Ralph E. Pomeroy, a member of E Company, manned a machine gun at the end of a trench to protect his platoon's flank. When the enemy attacked, he kept up heavy return fire, killing many of them and slowing the assault.
    Shortly after, he was severely wounded from a mortar burst, and his gun mount rendered inoperable. Still, he removed the gun and aggressively moved forward. After suffering a second wound and with his ammunition depleted, Pomeroy took on the enemy in hand-to-hand combat--using his weapon as a club--until he was killed.
    Pomeroy earned the Medal of Honor.
    On the northeast arm of the complex, A and B companies of the 32nd Infantry were unsuccessful on Jane Russell and had to withdraw to Sandy, where C Company had established a foothold. At that time, Moses ordered I Co., 31st Inf., into the battle. No units, however, were able to do more than consolidate positions on Sandy.
    Early on the 16th, Smith transferred command of the operation to Col. Joseph Russ, commanding officer of the 32nd Infantry, and the two idle battalions of the 31st were ordered to replace the 17th Infantry in the west sector of the division's front. The 2nd Battalion of the 17th was placed under the command of Russ and secured Jane Russell Hill that afternoon.
    Attack and counterattack continued for the next eight days as Russ continued to rotate units into the battle. Then, on Oct. 25, the Republic of Korea (ROK) 2nd Division relieved the 7th Division on Triangle and, after 12 days, U.S. involvement in Operation Showdown ended.
    The best available U.S. casualty estimate for Operation Showdown is 1,540: 365 KIA, 1,174 WIA and 1 captured.
    A week later, the ROK division that was struggling to hold Triangle, even as it continued its battle for Sniper Ridge, was finally forced to abandon the hill.
    An objective planned to be secured by two battalions in five days had required an entire division. And it was only partially occupied after 12 days and could not ultimately be defended. For the remainder of the war, the battle lines around Triangle Hill remained essentially where they were before Operation Showdown was conceived.
    RICHARD ECKER is a 7th Infantry Division veteran of Triangle Hill and author of Friendly Fire (Omega Communications, 1996).
    COPYRIGHT 2002 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
    COPYRIGHT 2008 Gale, Cengage Learn

    My uncle was:
    LUCAS MARSHALL R Rank=PFC Serial Number=US53080856 Branch=Infantry
    Military Occupation Specialty=01745 Year of Birth=30 Race=Caucasian
    State of Residence=VA County of Residence=Hanover
    Unit=31st Inf Regt Division=7th Inf Div Type of Unit=Inf Regt
    Place of Casualty=North Korea Date of Casualty (yymmdd)=52 10 30
    Type of Casualty=Killed in Action
    Detail of Casualty=
    Group of Casualty=Killed in Action
    The deadliest day. Oct 30th.

    And that's about enough information to send my Mom into greater waves of memories' pain, but also the other evening when sharing this with my son, she was generally talking about the real cost of war. Trying to make the insanity of this absolutely clear. She could tell about the differences in these two wars she knew pretty well, her 21st husband serving in WW2.
    Mom who herself served, who married a serviceman, who gave America the ultimate sacrifice brought to my son her thoughts on Vietnam, on Korea, on Iraq. Mostly Mom asks questions. One of her questions involves those who do not know this cost firsthand as often willing to commit others to pay it. But......her exact words were
    "You can't understand until you've lived this."

    And my son, who has dedicated months to holding her pain, struggling to get in his assignments, sat through her talk I suppose more sure than ever we are a place, nation, worth risking a life to continue having.I felt perhaps this differently too. But I don't know because he's a pretty wordless boy, a force of nature, a kid sans language that did not really speak until 4. The year he went to school, that year he started talking.
    Luca has been willing to look at the injuries and pain we hold as a family. Quietly. To absorb it, to try sincerely to bring it his heart, energy, and sincerity.

    When I became so ill with gastric bleeds, with the undetected cancer as the tests, the pain,and the awful struggles through it all drug on and on.... he'd just sit with me. He was cheering, he was accepting; he seemed so free of judging, so open to interpreting your pain as something he sees with compassion and care. In this way we have to say he has been since his birth just the best thing that has happened both to Ma and to me. Our sweetheart.

    Yes, I could check the grade checker, sure, thanks, but I'd like to tell his story of these last few months to a child's teacher. One that might better know him, to understand him. Just as I might want Marshall in his 19 short years to know he will be remembered.I wish I knew his thoughts. He was ever missed and recalled for his humor and warmth, for being a good person, his passing in war the ultimate tragedy. By a sister and her kids. A sister that loved him.

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  7. I drove to work at 6:30 AM listening to NPR.
    I heard a disturbing report.
    That's a lot of lives.

    This Veteran's day perhaps we can start to notice.
    I certainly found this shocking.
    As shocking as it gets.


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I'm a public school elementary teacher from W.V. beginning my career in poverty schools in the 1980's. (I have GIST cancer-small intestinal and syringomyelia which isn't what I want to define me but does help define how I view the meaning of my life.) I am a mom of 3 great children-now grown. I teach 3rd grade in an Underperforming school, teaching mostly immigrant 2nd Lang. children. I majored in art, as well as teaching. Art informs all I do. Teaching is a driving part of my life energy. But I am turning to art soon. I'm married to an artist I coaxed into teaching- now a Superintendent of one of the bigger Districts in the area. Similar population. We both have dedicated inordinate amounts of our life to the field of teaching in areas of poverty hoping to give students opportunities to make better lives. I'm trying to write as I can to the issues of PUBLIC education , trying to gain the sophistication to address the issues in written forms so they can be understood from my teaching contexts.I like to blog from daily experiences. My work is my own, not reflective of any school district.
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