By far the most positive part of my career in teaching came from a television show, I never expected that. It took you everywhere. Reading Rainbow, you made a difference. You inspired.
I haven't even seen them all, those episodes that number in the hundreds, and I watch one a week with my third grade. I plan to continue the tradition when I move schools and teach Transitional Kindergarten.
YOU can help make it available to us.
Now if LeVar Burton asked me to pledge to something I would listen.
And now he has.
If you go to his Kickstarter you can join the ocean wave of gratitude that many of us feel with giving hearts!
I literally just watched it top 2 million. In 33 days my prediction is ten million!
It will answer unilaterally a PBS thought that Reading Rainbow has served it's purpose and is done.
I heard Mr. Burton on the radio talking about this Kickstarter, and I heard his calm confidence as the reporter asked if he thought this "would work."
The way he said-oh yes was priceless. He knows we are there for this, for our kids no program made did more to inspire a lifelong love of reading.
He knows what America knows-he is a National Treasure.
Pure and simple. Two million in a day and a half and growing. FUND HIM, it'll be the best thing you do in charity work and it will resound in my students.
Make his vision our reality.
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