(Unfortunately the pain of iritis forced me to do this in pain, under duress. It's an eye inflammation they think from auto-immune issues that have to be "investigated." Well, yes, I am struggling with bad joint pain.)
Transitional Kindergarten is over Thursday at 11. I'm exhausted but generally happy for the year.
I blog in part to see, overtime, who I am as a teacher. Thousands of pictures from previous years preserve my work. These few pictures, perhaps highlight what a difficult year I had adjusting to a new program, different work. It was an "alive" year, stressful year, interesting, difficult but I was learning how to do a new thing. Maybe preserving these pictures here will help me recall what I want to do going forward. For one thing change.
A few highlights are here that were my decorations during the year, that seems safe enough to share of TK life, I'm printing kid pics for the photo pages and putting here in a jumbled order ones perhaps I want to remember along with those.
Eventually the calander wall became meaningful to my students- but it wasn't for MONTHS.
My kids had "kits" they assembled teaching shapes, this one focused on rectangles.
They did about 15 of these.
I tried to decorate the door each month with their pictures-this was a February door.
They made this November door.
With some help. Clifford became a class favorite.
In March I put up the Power Puffs I made to celebrate Women's History Month. Cute.
At some point, perhaps March this was the room.
A December door.
We tried snowflakes, not good.
A Question reindeer.
A center that needs to remind me of having a sticky cabinet where they create group things or take supplies to build. Lots to do with this idea-Sticky Walls.
Another December door design.
I changes Snoopy with each month-I'm not sure why but I loved it.
Our hat wall for pretend play.
This was February.
March, you can kind of see the Dr. Suess door.
I purchased this and it took about seven months before they actually learned to play with it imaginatively. At first it was watching kids attempt to break it or throw the figures through the air-really amazing how long it took to be interested in putting a room together.
This was for the 100th Day of school.
An ornament-they all made one for parents.
Not the best pic.
This was the room in February.
A lovely January project talking about pattern.
Just a party where we made such nice folders.
This was for May.
I started to hit my stride in May!
These May doors were beautiful.
I have so much to reflect on and process, not for this post, or not yet. But this visual helps me to think about a year in my life of teaching and maybe stands as an insight into that year. Next year I'll do a better job. And I'm glad for this year.
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