He posts this picture of two genetically affected South Africans to characterize others as "in-bred" when he doesn't like their voting. He's a teacher. If you call him out on using this for such a purpose because these are human beings just like he is, he tells you essentially to stick it.
A teacher.

Foolishness speaks to the dead.
I am often that foolish, I speak to the dead.
Today I voted in an election that I personally have found appalling.
Someone speaking out against banking nightmares and corporations and wealth, at first I thought heroically raising important issues appears to condone the terrible behavior of his supporters-the one for peace with unpeaceful supporters is now playing poor loser. Good grief.
The repeated racism and violence supported in "the other side" by a man married to money, a woman running while being attacked as not "the right woman." Looking back through the news cycle it may well have been worst primary behavior in history, but at 56 I can certainly state it feels lousy enough to be remembered in 200 years, by those we cannot see. Uninspiring from the greatest nation on earth.
It would be utter foolishness on my part to try to point out a few thousand things here tonight to defend that assertion, and I'd be hated even if correct. Actually this cycle correctness is hated.
A country of haters, this voting America.
No one can take pride in seeing a woman, 96 years after women gaining the vote, onto the ticket of a major party because we are, after all, a nation incapable of managing our on-line behavioral emotions into caring over hating. Hating won this election in these primaries clearly. A bunch of on-line trolls.
Before I hear Hillary's speech I can say it better be one hell of a speech. Because way too many of our people have simply turned to salt.
As a woman I have valued a simple bottomline for my choice.
And here I speak not to the greater number, but to those few that know me. When my girls were little they played a President's game with my mother from a box of pictures of each President with their name and facts on the back of the portrait from the National Gallery. (And they also played map with a 6 foot California map). These were the "games" of my mother. They would try to figure out which President they'd pulled out of a hat-and then check the back of the card to check the guess. The game came from the Smithsonian but was bought by my Mother at the Reagan Library with the few dollars she had. (She died with one dollar and 37 cents to her name.)One day I was outside the door listening to the President's Game. One daughter noted they were all old white men. Mom pulled out Kennedy saying, "He was very young to us." And then my Sylvia said, "Well they are all MEN, I can't be a President because I'm a girl." She was six. And I note always noting gender issues all her life
My mother replied, "Well Sylvia we will not see a woman be President in my lifetime. But maybe we will in yours."
My mother died three years ago.
And she died correct about that. She would be appalled by what is in the media and on-line this election year. My mother never missed a vote-a staunch League of Woman Voter always fighting for voting rights.
In truth I feel I put this "woman thing" ahead of other things this election cycle. I do find Hillary Clinton intelligent and capable. And certainly progressive with which I identify. It would kill me to see a poorly prepared dunderhead reach such a pinnacle. So I decided I would follow my intuition in my voting. It fit me, and it certainly can fit the needs of the times.
I have heard more hate in the last few months than I really want to hear in a lifetime. I've seen enough. On-line.
I'm going to say something rare for me.
Losing is perfectly ok. It is in how you do it you reveal who you are. Having made mistakes is human. Digging yourself in a hole with the flare of your emotions is a rather common state of being, but....
Crapping on humanity, hating, demeaning, dividing, is the lowest common denominator-it's easy and it sucks us all down. I don't know of what it could possibly do to solve much. It is not "the revolution" or "anti-establishment."
And after awhile I think you can't even see yourself in others anymore.
Look in the mirror. Try to see your reflection. Be capable of losing.
I lose all the time. I never enjoy it, but I usually learn about who I am doing so.
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