I’ve had a life where I learned sometimes we are blessed by cheerleaders. Drum majors really.
They lift us up and see our potentials and worth. They lead us to the waters of purpose.
I’m using this as I understand it here from Dr. Martin Luther King.
Folks that for whatever reason believe and support the things we do, and help us become our best selves. That in turn ripples out across the waters of our lives.
My mom was my greatest cheerleader. Her passing six years ago has been impossibly difficult for me at a personal level, far more than my cancers, debilitating Syringomeyelia, pain, personal defeats, and a reminder to me of how I should be in this world for my children.
Yes, I’m trying to be a cheerleader in life to the students I’ve met too, which can be so easy to do or unbelievably difficult to see how to best do, and a cheerleader for those I’ve affected along the way, and for my own children's children- a new role I'm assuming. I’m awaiting a huge life milestone to arrive. My daughter is becoming a mom.
It's come at a time of stress and discouragement for me, like a beacon.
Did you know some folks never have this cheerleader or learn how to become this for another?
Some expect it of everyone, and some never process it as a gift.
And some folks live to beat you down. Most of us know this. (It's part of why I'm going to retire.
That news is coming here too eventually, as I face my mortality and human limits, and what I must do for baby. My role in this world is going to return to as an artist, my calling and mom -my greatest gift)
Years ago I wrote my hundred standards for the nation's public school children.
I sat through a day in tears trying to turn a hundred children I’ve learned from, whose memory lives on for me, into a "standard." The standard is basically holding the most important things in life they represented-now as a standard for all children. I've been told more times than I care to say that I'm missing the point of our standards. I always return to this as a foundation shift the school must undergo. Until that happens we can technically refine demands on our children's skills as standards, but we do not have the motivation and reason to be effective. Things will fail. Much is failing-calling out to the new century.
At the time of writing I was facing a second cancer surgery for an on-going battle with small intestinal cancer. I felt an urgency to say something that was so compelling in that moment of doing. I wrote them in about four hours.
I could not believe that what children taught me could not turn into a minimum of what we might do with and for children in our schools. In most cases it was what they did not have. But in some cases it was exactly what they DID have. Not all lessons are taught in darkness.
And then I posted it here on my blog.
An interesting thing happened from that. It rippled out into the world.
Like circles from a stone thrown into the waters of our days.
My world grew a little. I learned others cared.
I learned more about Kurt Lewin's teaching who remains the educational thinker besides Carl Rogers and Maslow that I truly studied and apply. I learned more practically about how what we do ripples out.
Your actual actions and your behavior and your words have profound influence in ways you may never know-for good and nought. I see this now.
I gained a few dedicated cheerleaders in the post for my standards and my teaching.
One of those was Anthony Cody. I made real friends like Anne, she truly holds me up. Old friends glimpsed how I'd gone on to be. One of those friends is battling horrific illness right now and I know she doesn't really know how much her care meant. I send my love and prayers daily to her in Texas. Friends like Phil. All from a blog post that held my whole life within it.
One was Richard Lakin. He is my focus today.
Others not only shared the standards, which look very different from things like common core standards, the internet allowed many to cheer-lead for these standards in care.
Susan Ohanian for instance.
In an on going way I learned about Mr. Lakin as we communicated online. He sent me a book he wrote on his time Principal-ing in public school back East.
Principaling is an artform. Many do not even remotely understand this. Richard did. It is always primarily relational and lives far, far away from being a head down followers calling. It calls you to advocacy, care, and having great courage as you face how to be kind as you accept this responsibility to lead. He understood it is not passive. It is something I have never done myself, but respect those that do take it on. His book I'm sure is available. It lives in the here and now in small scale-the scale that presents itself to do our work within. What it really says grows on you. It is both small and wide.
He told me that following my writing inspired him. And he brought attention to his circle of influence. I felt such honor.
And Richard Lakin would regularly share on social media my standards and send me personal encouragement.
(He understands cheerleading.
He understands I’m needing this.)
And Richard Lakin was a cheerleader for Sarah as a teacher.
Thank you Richard. It meant a great deal. I know you are looking down on me and your memory will always be for a blessing.
Richard Lakin over ten years reached out.
As I assume he might have done so with you too. I'm seeing this beautiful circle of influence.
Four years ago he was murdered. Brutally.
He had gone to Israel to relocate. Or go home. His gift in life appears to be- from what I’ve learned- bringing about peace and care. Helping us to find out how we fit into this world and contribute to All our peace, and care. His journey was horrifically ended by a Palestinian who killed him on a bus in an attack of terror. This man who worked so hard to see the Palestinian point of views and to honor their struggle. It absolutely stopped me in my tracks, and I’ve meditated, prayed and had such deep grief over the loss to his family and our lives in the time after-these four years.
We can’t say in words what our cheerleaders in life have meant. Or what their loss means.
What violence and hate bring. Or what the power of love truly is. A force to apply into every situation.
Apparently his daughter has taken on helping see through one of his dreams.
A cheerleading project I just watched a video about. I want to honor this project. He wanted to share the story of two people he valued, saw, and felt their story mattered.
His daughter has completed this video and posted it and I’m sharing here today.
Look below.
My blog has no real audience now. I sought to just go away. There is no way to know if I can help you learn about the story Richard wanted you to hear. Would you stop your life to help another?
I was discouraged from continuing my work writing many years back mostly by my teaching district . Silenced. That aspect did not please them. And I found over time that my basic goodness and decency having lost its cheerleaders, was just difficult to navigate in an unkind, uncaring world. It's hard.
My advocates and cheerleaders now operate in another realm.
I began trying my best to be this peace and love for those that I could. I started to put down the me to see the us, and hopefully I have been cheerleading as a good presence in children’s lives and education for a reason. Life should help us achieve peace and see us all matter.
I want to help my grandchild while I can. They are due in mid March. I want to say who I am is someone that sees the best you in you. That believes in you.
I’d like to take today to share this video Mr. Lakin was making that his daughter finished. It’s a beautiful soft, slow beautiful story of seeing two lives that were bound by their love and care. It is about how we can go about supporting one another. It is about Mr. Lakin as a cheerleader. Drum major. It is about the family that lives and misses him. It is about who we are and how the circles of our influence ripple through time and Space.
It is about two friends that helped each other and what that looked like.
Hopefully you will share and broaden its reach.
When I was hired at Cheat Lake by Mr. Walls in 1983 in my interview I was asked if I had a boyfriend or ANY intention of getting pregnant. Directly. It was perfectly clear that IF I answered yes -I wasn’t getting the job. He told me he had over 300 people in line for the job. Looking back I don’t believe that. At the time I did.
I wasn’t aware of HOW to demand my rights in that interview and he followed any hiring process he felt was what he wanted to do. Wild West Virginia. There was no doubt that while some teachers were experiencing pregnancy at the school-he was making a young art teacher aware she wasn’t going to have a baby on his watch. And not because he cared about my life folks.So when I read this I fully believe Warren.That’s what it was like “back in the day” and had I gotten pregnant, unmarried, I can tell you right now I’d have been out of a job at Cheat Lake. While I’m certainly thankful I got the job I worked hard. And when I moved to California Mr. Walls attempted and failed to dirt me. Which was his resentment about my going. I did not deserve that.I saw him transfer a teacher to the far reaches of the county mid year. Her crime was daring to challenge him about a strange policy he had. He allowed the kids at the school to chew gum outside and she asked why. Who knows why. A student in her room had gotten it in her hair at a PE activity. It was a horrific mess she said. She disappeared. Transferred immediately.
If you don’t acknowledge the crap that teachers have faced then you can’t believe Warren. But I know conditions like this existed. I saw it.0Add a comment
Today we had a training from the county (Ventura) about trauma and the effect on children.It was called TIPS.Now I've been addressing and talking about this my ENTIRE career, in depth here, so it's kind of odd to have it "introduced" to us. And it was pretty obvious that not much had been designed into this to answer- well what do we do. And that's ok. The fact the nation is looking at trauma matters.It mostly wanted to bring you up to speed on understanding children have behavioral issues from trauma. And are effected profoundly as learners, and if in the foster care system they are living, breathing, it daily.One interesting study they cited through Kaiser(which to be honest used to be the trash of medical systems) was showing that some ridiculously high percentage of obese patients suffered serious childhood trauma and in further work they saw amazing correlations between that weight and eating and a desire to hide, be unattractive,withdraw, and basically not live in the world of thin, sexually desirable folks. I'm not sure what to do with that info but it had something to say.I suggested they have my husband (John Puglisi, Rio School District) present on the issue because he does manufacture systems they are pretty amazingly good at reacting to trauma in children. Off hand I'd say that making health, good food, curiosity, creativity, teaching better to our kids, responding to failure, making happier schools, setting kids onto career tracks, utilizing experts and mentors, making communities thrive, expectations, innovation, and a tireless willingness to confront and respond with care are elements of taking on trauma in kids.This "isn't who you have to be forever" rings out to me.I was very disappointed in the county for "discovering" that which has always been there and having so little to offer, but perhaps this is a process and I'm just in a different stage.And I need to remember that. Trauma and it's debilitating forms has always existed. And it is good to see schools offer insights-to say they "get it."But I honestly think children need us to understand and be more ready to take this on. I like my school is thinking about yoga, mindfulness, strategies in our 2nd Step work-which offer insights into emotion and self regulation. I like FINALLY we are hearing relationship building is the essential key in teaching. I like that children's wellness, food, physical environment, poverty are entering into our awareness's as fundamental.I wrote my completely ignored by my district 100 Standards about this in 2007 and I offer it as a way to actualize this. If you recall them. If not I'll somehow put that here too. I think it's time to turn to teachers and hear them on what we see and how we work with trauma.Each of my standards I wrote thinking of a particular child. One who taught me this. And each offers a way we might better approach trauma and learning.I stand by my earlier work.Mrs. Puglisi's 100 StandardsI just read a nice editorial about HOW RELIEVED a newspaper is if we have National Standards.
In the New York Times, you can read it here.
Finally, it said, as if stranded in the desert seeing at the very last moment of possibility the solution to their thirst there at the oasis on the horizon. And like that, it's probably a mirage.
At least this writer isn't aware how much we are and have been standards driven in the 30 some years I've been working in the field. But it must feel more "right" if the nation says "knows the 50 states" or "understands separation of church and state" or more importantly "understands the role of the free press in democracy." Yeah, well, national control, now that's a cheering thought, so much works so well once that gets going.
My mom had printed out the commentary and before you knew it, I read the thing.
For months I've tried not to read too much she handed over fearing it might contain yet another blow. Being a teacher right now is open season. I believe they expanded the season.
I work in an Underperforming school, in some very difficult poverty, and therefore the Secretary of Education and my President may well label me "bad." Neat. That's the reality, among many now sadly. My close friend and partner teacher continually invites this National leadership to her classroom. To spend real time, and then maybe open awareness, dialog and learn about the realities. So far, no helicopter on the lawn.
Last night I began thinking about my own "standards" what I'd wish for children.
What I OFTEN do not see. But we aren't allowed to talk about that. And all too often as teachers we have been labeled if we did talk, about that anyway. Labeled as excuse makers. But just the same I'd like to see these things as standard.
I know that's not what's being talked about. Still, it's what I assert matters "nationally."
What I'd wish for the children I work with is this kind of bottom line. A set of standards. According to the best theory we have our not attending to these underpinnings of care and security prevent educational, personal, community health, well being, and stunt normal development. But that's not as easy as saying the teacher is bad. Not as target ready. Rather than fire, you might have to approach the entire situation by building good facilities, launching into community health, figuring out how to provide work, you might have to build a butterfly pavilion in every community, imagine, or cough up some art supplies, time, you might need to drive where I drive and really in-depth and individually look at things.
So Today, before I do other things that I need to do, I'm going to list my standards:
1. All children should know love.
2. All children should know that they have a bed to sleep in tonight, and next week, and for their life.
3. All children should have adequate, even delicious food, and know all about their food.
4. All children should have support within the walls of their homes.
5. All children should have the experience of play.
6. All children should know nature, value nature, interact within nature, and be in families that have some capacity to do the same.
7. All children should know, have, and be able to be friends.
8. All children should have clothes to wear that help keep them warm, and expresses their beauty.
9. All children should feel that their family is accepted, and is of value.
10. All children should learn language, learn to speak by finding their world one that enjoys communication, the more languages that they know the more broadened the understanding.
11. All children should have health and DENTAL care that their families are not fearful about, or simply can't afford or have, and know illness cannot bankrupt them. They need health care that attends to their well being.
12. All children should be regarded as potentially, and individually, and instantly a part of whatever cosmic beauty, goodness,whatever we wish to call it, that exists and as such is the reason we all live with hope and possibility.
13. All children should be permitted to listen to adults that are permitted to think.
14. All children should be assured of schools, fair schools, schools where we do not reinforce unfair notions that already existed at birth, like if your family "has more" or lives on some piece of real estate or is somehow smarter or edging out another, then your school will be better. This unfortunately underpins the current national policy. That even includes the President. Whoever they are every child deserves a very nice school. Not a me, then everyone else educational model. (Check out Finland)
15. All children should have books. Libraries are great.
16. All children should have toys, but maybe ones parents make as well as buy.
17. All children should have parents, family, neighbors, mentors that make things.
18. All children should have systems at work within their lives that build healthy communities seeing them as the reason the community exists.
19. All children should have adults that can cooperate, hear one another, resolve conflict, have the capacity to demonstrate love, attention, concern, solutions, turn taking, deference.
20. All children should have paper, pencils, crayons, scissors, sprinkles, cookies, cups,cans, materials, glue, paste, making and doing.
21. All children should have adequate sleep and rest.
22. All children should have music. Every form, in utero on, to listen and sing to, in choir, to play, as a part of life. As a part of study.
23. All children should be involved in learning projects.
24. All children should know transportation systems to get them around safely.
25. All children should enjoy celebrations, the most important at least once per year a celebration of that child and their value to our life.
26. All children should begin the process of literacy not as a race but as a right, a joy, an exploration, and a normal function.
27. All children should enter school believing and maintaining as long as possible a joy in learning, and a belief in self as not "behind", not labeled, not seen as less.
28. All children should experience lives without bullies, and when there are bullies, teasing, cruelty, be able to easily find the resources, the support, the fairness to have access to help. To be heard.
29. All children should know technology.
30. All children should be given opportunities to demonstrate understandings.
31. All children should learn within family and school to cook and care for their food.
32. All children should be served food at school that is interesting, fresh, well made, delicious and not a frozen, re-baked, cultural wasteland.
33. All children should be allowed to respect, care about, and return to teachers as important to their lives. They should know Mrs. P may well be in the same school in her room waiting 20 years later to see you again!
34. All children should have time with the adults that conceived them. Daycare should be an option that is last on the list.
35. All children should be allowed comfortable school furniture. Very comfortable.
36. All children should do more each day in a school than they sit, or rarely be engaged in passive workbooking.
37. All children should be educated in reasonable, perhaps even outrageously small groups, so that each child can and does get the care they need. No more than 15.
38. Children should have opportunities to draw, color, illustrate, print make, dye, batik, sketch, paste, cut, collage, design, sparkle, explore, respond within art so that they have experienced quality materials and competent artists actively. Real papers, real crayolas, real inks, paints, that allow them to become human through art. And not bought by their underpaid teacher.
39. All children need to hear the big pictures, even when we are still engaged in understanding the big pictures.
40. All children should learn about their brain, body, systems, and how they work.
41. All children should see the differences in cultures, people, societies as opportunities to become aware and to be amazed.
42. All children should find mathematics from the time they hold the concept of three, until they are fully grown, as a part of everything we do, that mathematics has history, context, thought, theory and that they can find themselves perfectly a part of the understandings of this within its forms and functions. Male or female, rich or poor. (I'm pleased this worked out to be number 42)
43. All children should learn to observe, should learn this within natural settings.
44. All children should be engaged in science.
45. All children should know animals, their care, to care for animals, support, raise and love them and understand as well the cycle of life.
46. All children should know schools that support all of the above, and fight for these things ahead of anything else.
47. All children should run on beaches, in grass, have playgrounds, feel forest floors, fly kites, gather leaves, cross streets safely, visit fire stations, meet the police in nice days to learn about hard jobs with the ability to ask them about their work, go to groceries, learn about money, see movies, roll down hills, sled, walk by crocus, talk to grandmas and grandpas, collect and recycle, play cards, take turns, have dice, play Candyland, do dance, gymnastics, try waterslides, learn swimming safety, go to farms, pet animals, cut pumpkins, smell pine, wash the floor with a friend, have chores, taste baked bread, knead dough, water plants, grow seeds, take care of fish, walk in lines, put on shows, sing with friends, flop on the floor, use blocks, without feeling anything but how good all of that feels.
48. All children should develop constructs of learning that set and achieve goals, with the child involved.
49. All children should be read to and start to read in a lap in a house or a home.
50. All children should be cleaned, bathed, cared for as if they were a joy.
51. All children should have shoes.
52. All children should have coats and sweaters, gloves, hats and people that care whether or not they are wearing them or have them. And possibly make them for them.
53. All children should have rules, limits, safety nets, systems, understandable patterns, routines, mentors, and those that love them well enough to have flexibility and judgment in using them ahead of rigidity and power.
54. Children should be able to learn about work.
55. Children should learn about how their society functions in terms of money, jobs, labor, roles, learning of others and their situations and within something hard to define, with open minds, with introduction of the complexity in society, the stratification.
56. All children should feel that their family has capacity, intelligence, worth and intrinsic value.
57. All children should sometimes ask and receive.
58. All children should sometimes cope with a no.
59. All children should have sharing time, if possible far longer than adults teaching them want to tolerate.
60. All children should be allowed to wash their hands before eating, after play times as a normal experience.
61. All children should attend schools, live in houses with adequate facilities to know a toilet, a bath, a way to clean clothes and to enjoy being clean.
62. All children should live in a world where if mental illness affects the family there are ways to have, find, sustain help for them, and not drown.
63. All children should have bandaids, both the real thing and the metaphorical kind. To heal.
64. All children should be able to hear stories of kith and kin, hear other children's story, and grow within structures that value these experiences of "our story" above all else.
65. All children should move in dance.
66. All children should know sport.
67. All children should watch Reading Rainbows, once per week well through 8th grade.
68. All children should learn to build a fire, how to use a compass, how to set up a tent, ways to safely do the things that ensure our survival, taught in ways that don't frighten, but do allow them confidences and maturation. Camp, they should get to go to camp and ALL children need a trip to the nations capitol and to museums.
69. All children should skip a stone over a pond, catch and cook a fish, throw back more than they catch, know snow, understand seasons, begin to feel the earth under their feet, be taught the earth's movement, time, the calendaring systems with contexts that engage them fully in experiential learning.
70. All children should make large sidewalk drawings in chalk.
71. All children should make presentations, displays, have fairs and experiences to present to families that come, watch, interact, appreciate and value as community experience.
72. All children should learn about feelings.
73. All children should make, have, use puppets, experience drama and plays.
74. All children should find that they are valued for their opinion, and asked why, and expected to be heard as well as listen to another.
75. All children should have literacy as a foundational right, have books be the center of educational experiences, find that what they read, experience within words to be valued as highly as possible.
76. All children need access and understanding of history, time-lines, historical figures, historical perspectives, historical understanding of things we have learned from both our successes, but also our mistakes.
77. All children should write, read and engage with poetry.
78. All children should respect their own learning, and understand that their achievements help them individually to evolve, not to better over others, but to become more fully alive. And thus of value to others.
79. All children should learn about the systems of religion, philosophy, schools of thought.
80. All children should learn about death, in caring ways we should allow them to develop their understandings so they are not paralyzed by both their fears, but the realities they will face.
81. All children should have a backpack.
82. All children should look forward to each day.
83. All children should be allowed to wear hats. Sunglasses too.
84. All children should have someplace to do their homework, and someone that cares to talk about it with them.
85. All children should find their talents and learn to use their strengths understanding as well their weaknesses.
86. All children should laugh.
87. All children should watch the sky. Value weather, learn about the earth, be engaged in the atmosphere, understand water tables, be aware of how these systems work.
88. All children should learn to answer a phone, safely , and intelligently.
89. All children should write, in a multiplicity of ways, all day and as a part of understanding, as a tool.
90. All children should one day look up in their classrooms and rather than seeing an authority in the "watch" their teacher mode, see a President or an Ed Secretary or other important folk in looking at all the things they are doing, valuing their learning, finding within that community things to see as right in their learning.
91. All children should take turns and know they will have a turn.
92. All children should understand that if they do work, try, show themselves to be willing to learn, make mistakes and process them, that they can enter into fields they choose, that no door is closed because they are not rich, they should understand careers and opportunities and their roles, as well as community roles, in seeing them into futures.It should not be a mystery.
93. All children when they fall, need a helping hand.
94. All children should feel that they work within dynamics that see success over failure.
95. All children should know the warmth of a heater, the light of a bulb, the luxury of air conditioning in rooms over 80. All children should see the value in those comforts and fully understand how that is provided to them.
96. All children should get gifts.
97. All children should make and give cards and gifts as expressions of thankfulness and connection.
98. All children should have a blog in a child safe atmosphere.
99. All children should learn within local settings that help to set goals and standards and to maintain ways to over see this.
100. All children should be integrated, rich, poor, black, white, restricted by disability, glasses wearing, free thinking, Republican household, Democratic, representing every color, creed, view, and from such a base learn about self and others to the best of our ability to mix ourselves together within community, neighborhood, nation, to think of such things as more important than writing a bunch of standards and thinking that was the same as doing all of the above.
I have more but I have work to do.
I've taught children missing all of the above.
I've taught these last 27 years knowing stories of kids that might break your heart that renders much of what I hear "proposed" into a joke like stance for some of our children while I was, and teachers like me were, scapegoated over understanding the complexities of the issues. Children deserve better than that. They deserve thinking adults. And schools and systems designed for them to do well. If this is addressed as the NY Times writer thought by these standards then I assume the above has been articulated into systems, structures and supports.0Add a comment
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