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Last week we had the most incredible winds so for two days I could not go for my daily sets of walking. I think I probably walk three or four miles a day now, broken up. When I can walk ten at a time, I know I'm healed up to a level I feel comfortable claiming as me.... Then I can go and really do what I want....but as it is now I'm not myself, hobbled by the back, by the nerve issues. I took video of this wind, getting out to try to film it from the car was getting a mouthful of sand.
If you watch this short piece you'll see a bit of the intensity from the car.
Admittedly no high art but it does illustrate change.
And the power of wind.
This week the weather is warm, great and the birds are out.
This is especially heartening after a very, very difficult time with a difficult back injury, surgery and, really, the loss of so much of my walking ability.
As I have been out this week walking, I've been making my corny videos especially of the pelicans feeding. They dive in head first. It's so amazing. If I had a better camera ( I hope one day) I'd be able to get amazing shots. Yesterday going to get my daughter in Santa Barbara (just the best drive) we stopped to walk along the water by the Ventura Beach. In February this was where I first went getting up to walk, after months of excruciating pain. But it didn't go too well, my legs grew numb, hips could barely take it. Actually it was awful. Things that have improved because I did this walk yesterday and I thought I'd never get down in there again to see it. I was that disheartened.. This is the place I almost sat on a clutch of just hatching baby ducks two years ago. Let me show you how really hurt the habitat is this year. I don't know exactly why, beach storms, winds, maybe higher tides. Here was the scene a few years see if you can ...
And some still shots with some extra stuff thrown in...
I see this was July so I'll hope by July I return with pictures like these, and things grow back, because right now this same area looks so barren. Except for the phenomenal wildlife, ocean, the pelicans.
Here's the stuff I shot yesterday, some's goofy. Hopefully the difference can be felt in an ever changing reason I love where I live so. But it was one of the nicest experiences in SOOO long for me. Incredible. I'm planning tonight to go walk another trail that defeated me in February. I was also celebrating a medical finding that's important, B-12 deficiency that's pronounced, deciding how I was going to respond to several things nagging at me, and setting some more goals to work on attaining. One has been inching closer. I could just go out and enjoy nature. I live for that actually. And with Louisiana in such distress it's a time i think about the Gulf. I grew up in and out to my grandmom's on the Gulf. It defined my life. I have always had the ocean as a part of my understanding of life.
By myself...walking a shore....incredible Mom's Day treat, without anything interfering in how amazing that life is.
Oh I thought of a tune I love...I think I'll include that too. It has been , pretty much, one of several I have internally delighting me.
Might as well listen to my favorite tune...or one of someone I love to hear.
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