
Wednesday, November 09, 2016

I'm Clear. Be Love.

I'm going to reach out with Ram Dass. Essentially this is what I can tell you about myself tonight after our nation just elected this President. 
Christ, a role model for me, was not elected, no power, no possessions, no least not earth versions of power. He has a clear identity or he understands who he is. A Son of God.....Clear awareness of what he is. Not caught in his ego here. Free of that. What is he-Teacher-trying to heal-trying  to alleviate suffering-helping others to see truth and the world as it is. 
Love one another/forgive one another. Bring others to understanding free of illusions of power, of things...he has no things. 
He turns over the money tables (as clear a statement on money, business, belief as it gets) , is crucified, says forgive them father they don't know what they do. 

 Forgive them, they don't know what they are doing.
What accumulation of suffering, sin, debt they accumulate.

Ram Dass says-me paraphrasing as I couldn't find the piece...., Christ is clear, his concern is what "they" are caught in-killing another, hate, power..they don't know.... He's saying-forgive them-but he's clear-he knows what is what. He gets the who he is of his life-he's not in conflict. He understands his role. So what's there for me tonight-I really like to read both Christ and Ram Dass- for me he's saying.....I'm sarah-my ultimate job is to work on myself, my compassion, my service to others...turn the money tables in my internal temple. I'm clear. Or at least becoming aware. 
I've had my moment of darkness tonight, but I'm good. I know who I will be tomorrow, who I am...when my call comes to both go or face persecution or to stand up-I know that is what I can do then. I'm clear. It took me awhile tonight but my clarity returned. 

I'm not here to do anything but help who I can as I work also on myself. And to work on myself. "“Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we’re so deeply interconnected with one another. Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment, and being love is the supreme creative act.” I like to read on this helps me, Be love my friend, hold onto who you are. Be love.
Ram Dass – Quotes Posted April 2, 2015 “Unconditional love really exists in each of us. It is part of our deep…

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