
Sunday, January 22, 2017

Women's march thoughts after seeing a Niece "like" an article dissing feminism

Those are my daughters-MARCHING in Los Angeles on one of the most important days Women have known collectively, January 2017

 When you wake at seven and look at your Facebook to see coverage of the numbers at the Women's Marches worldwide it's hard to see an article dissing feminism (and all that was) because someone was offended a couple kids marched yesterday somewhere in America topless.
But such was my morning and such is my niece.
This niece when she was writing stories that were incredible and so personal, and small showing me on a rare visit, I praised as maybe one day being a writer. Her head of the family father loudly told me off. The second time that December day he chose to do that, before I hid in the bathroom. The other was for his take on Blacks. He loudly told me her job would be "being a mother." Period.
And he let her hear it.
These are the things I'm never supposed to utter to get my family card. 

Feminists brought you dear girls of my family some fundamental rights, and a long way.
You can diss them now because they stood for your right to do so.
On the backs of giants we place our feet.
History happened.

When I was young I had my first teacher interview for a job that paid me eight thousand a year. Half time job- all I could hope for in Morgantown then. In that interview I was asked- did I plan on ever marrying, was I going to ever get pregnant, was I going to or did I date, did I miss days for my period. Mr Walls asked me these things as he told me because hiring a woman could be a real problem. Also to see what kind of person I was. To this day he is thought of as an exceptional principal.  He did hire me. He informed me I could not wear pants and the outfit I was wearing looked less expensive than it should. It was a wool skirt below my knees. All I could afford. And he hired me. I was grateful for that. I did not dream of, nor ever ,question him. Much like my brother in law-the expectation was-he's to be left unchallenged.

 When my mother was in her twenties and worked for the phone company to support my father as he got a PHD she was called honey at work. She stated to me she was thankful for that work. Women as phone operators was a very good job then. Not well paid, but something allowed to women. She appreciated the job all her life. She lived in fear in the 1950s it would become known she was a divorcee she told me before she died as she had a first husband that abandoned her. And that would mean her job was lost. Dad made her promise she'd never tell even her kids. And had I not asked her directly and forced the issue-as she was honest-I'd never have known. Imagine the shock I had in my teens when I found a ring in her tiny jewelry box as Dad divorced her.  She also failed to reveal her father as an abuser-that fell to a question too in her last year of life. He broke her mother's back before their later years divorce.

You can be "over" feminists because you are ignorant of history, but you will not erase as long as I breathe who brought you into a situation where you can think independently about situations like in my life, get jobs, own property, rent apartments and basically live in independence if you choose. Feminists gave you that and more. When my mother moved to Morgantown she tried to rent their new apartment. By then my father was a graduate student too busy for this. She was inquiring of a bank president named Evans-a family friend later-and he informed her he would deal only with Dad and to let the men "handle it." In the early 1960's. Things my dear niece are different in ways you cannot hope to know.

Yesterday women of all colors and creeds put their feet on the pavement for their daughters.
 So that they can be scientists as well as mothers. So they can choose things. And to answer a President who might grab them "by the pussy. " And because of a million reasons a Woman's March right now matters.

Feminism gave us a forum once to even question what was dished out.
And someone wrote this mess or a response or a like to reveal on my Facebook in some article about being over feminism, that they are so over feminists because a couple marched yesterday shirtless. Emboldened in the moment. Yikes.
 Perhaps you forget history and therefore are doomed to repeat it. Feminists called out once things like women draped on bear rugs for men's pleasure. Like we saw from the first lady. Like some of us are over.
Sadly a niece we marched for as a family posted a "like"for that anti-feminist view.  Go read the words and study the feminist Gloria Steinem who spoke at the Washington rally. Yes use her actual intellectually framed words, over the antics of a few women shown to prop up a notion all women marching were naked or aborting. Critique that.
There you come up against feminist theory. 

We will march for our daughters.
Yesterday my daughters marched FOR ME!
I am a feminist and I will look any being in the eye, eye to eye and say being sexually assaulted, discriminated against, told by guidance counselors in high school not to take math because I was a girl and need to worry about getting a man to have babies- among many many other things is exactly why I will always fight and expect to work on women's rights.
Someday maybe a man will work so my daughter can gain HER PHD.
That will happen.

I am a feminist for the children that will come after me who do indeed deserve to see a woman as president and who will understand why that is something that matters.
Not on a fur or wearing a fur, but working on legislation.

I am a feminist. I'm not over them. 
I stand on their shoulders and I vote because of them.

I will never accept second class rights and unequal pay for equal work. 

I am fighting for my daughters.
As they fight for their future.

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